
Put your hands on your hips...

Immigrant cars doing the work that American cars refuse to do.

The trucks are so cool. I wish we could get some of them here for overlanding but alas our roads are to good (:|) for them to sell well here.

I just seriously wish american media would give more coverage to Dakar. Truly the coolest sporting event going despite being way less TV friendly than some thanks to the difficulty getting footage and the huge number of competitors. I honestly didnt even realize it was going on until Paulo Goncalves died.

My 2016 Accord had active noise canceling. I unplugged the module that was responsible because it didn’t play well with aftermarket audio upgrades.

Pretty sure if you look close enough you’ll see a single set of footprints where Jesus carried the brodozers across the sand.

Looks like fat middle aged dentist has some good truck options now!

The first rule for coming for RBG?

As soon as I read the headline I knew. Congrats and thanks for all the great comments, I always enjoy reading your comments. 

well deserved

I’m speechless, but with 36,895 comments, I haven’t always been speechless.  This post is the best prize ever!  Thanks so much, Andrew!

You’d lose that bet. 

The pen is manlier than the sword.

Eleanor is reincarnated at the end of The Good Place and winds up in Arizona again. She reacts accordingly.

The steering rack goes “Arrrrghhhh...glug glug glug” and all the gaskets and seals just say “I don’t want to live on this planet anymore” at the same time.

I apologize for nothing

In other words, the mud turned into catenaries?

Yeah, not seeing the proof that the Mythbusters were wrong. They said it was possible, but idiotic.

Which is exactly the same conclusion here. 

Tesla Cultists