Hey Gizmodo, publish more of these methodologies by your team. Investigative journalism will only have to have more people like Ishaan in the future.
Hey Gizmodo, publish more of these methodologies by your team. Investigative journalism will only have to have more people like Ishaan in the future.
Those poor little butterflies.
That technician now has more kills than 98% of the Belgian Air Force and will be an instructor at Belgian Top Gun Academy next year
Does the technician get to affix a little sticker of a fighter jet to the outside of his toolbox now?
The idea of diving under those ships with all that weight just floating above my head terrifies me.
Also the children in cages. He deserves to be remembered for that.
PLEASE let the press ask Sarah Suckabee about this!
That’s a very small piece of toilet paper for such a large piece of shit.
Truly the thing he deserves to be remembered for.
“I have some quibbles with Rowling’s world building—how does magic work, exactly?”
More like “high-witnesses”, amirite?!
I worked in retail sales for quite a few years and my coworkers always made fun of me because I would change how I spoke to customers. I would literally just adapt on the fly to their personality. For example, if they were “country” I would be country. This was something I didn’t really have to “do”, it was just…
Why do these motherfuckers keep talking about Kavanaugh’s life being ruined when regardless of what happens with this nomination he’s going to be a well-fed, well paid conservative stooge for the rest of his life.
Nobody’s is throwing you in the clink. Take a breather, you hack.
The thing that makes me the most angry is that Dr. Ford was able to compose herself and come across as very credible, while her fucking sexual assaulter turns on the fucking water works like he’s the real victim here. It’s absolutely infuriating. This guy is a fucking embarrassment.
I can’t help but think the Lindsey Graham shitshow that went down after Ford’s testimony was the result of him being forced to listen. He’s never had to listen before. And he found the experience unpleasant. So he lashed out like an angry child.
Back when I took a manual trans and driveline class the professor cracked open a small bottle of friction modifier and set it somewhere inconspicuous. He then just sat back and watched peoples faces cringe as the smell made its way through the crowd.