Did Putin show an ID when he bought Trump?
My phone doesn't want to play video, but the gif pretty clearly shows an electric gear motor/actuator. You can see the wires running out of it.
I’m betting on electric linear actuator over hydraulics. The fiberglass bedside isn’t heavy enough to plumb a separate hydro system just for that.
Is this meant to demonstrate the size difference between the E30 and the upcoming G20 3 series?
I was like, “wow that Porsche sliding in there was pretty anticlimactic” but then chicken escape and screaming race engine sound to the rescue!
I also love it was a very slow crashing Porsche
The crash with the chickens at 2:37! 🤣
I LOL’d at the running chicken @ 2:39.
You’re trying to correlate murder with capital punishment. While both end a life, they’re distinctly different things.
A .22? Seriously? You think the proper response to a collusion / conspiracy case is murder with a small caliber bullet?
Huh? Are you suggesting they be shot with a very small caliber gun?
The Clio V6 is just somebody that I used to Renault.
I’m not sure what the Japanese title cards and fine print read
Axis are getting the band back together. They always made better cars than the Allies dang it...
Track: Where Are You Now? | Artist: Lady Leshurr | Album: N/A
Plot twist, it’s actually a new Camry Solara!
RIGHT?? I was all, “there’s no way that isn’t going to be some CGI shit” then watched it again and I was like fuuuuukkkc. Shit is dope.
Literally gasped out loud when the first dancer fell back into the pool. I wish the song was just sliiiiiiiiiiightly faster but there’s no doubt at all that Missy can still throw down. Good lord did we need this today.