Reared at Sea

Where in my comment do I saw that Hillary only stayed with Bill because she wanted to be president or further her career?

Mike Lee

I applaud Hillary for staying with her husband through his indiscretions and to do it in the public eye. It takes a certain kind of woman to do that. And I think it speaks a lot to her character.

Don’t forget her emails! Trump not paying taxes is one thing, but Hillary messed up with her emails!! No way she can be a responsible president. (please note the heavy sarcasm)

This is the second time I’ve heard blowhard as an insult this week. I forgot how much I love it!

Keep up the amazing work! 4 years is incredible. I think everyone else has given amazing suggestions and support. I just wanted to throw in my support to an internet stranger (but you must be great if you read Jezebel).

Seriously impressive pancake skills. My first pancake never looks like that.

Exactly!! I hate that now, getting shot is a very real possibility.

I read it that he lived in the area. I assumed that maybe he was annoyed with the traffic or something else. It didn’t seem like it was specifically targeted at one group. Just a bunch of people going about their days, and this guy just can’t cope.

Statistically you can get struck by lightning too. I’m in San Antonio, and although it’s a large city, it scares me when these seem premeditated attacks. You just never know what’s going to set someone off to go and shoot at people.

His real home being Uranus?

Snow in Texas? I live in Texas. I can unequivocally say there has not been snow. If he wanted to make that little speech more believable, he could have said rain. Humidity would be better.

Oh man. I totally forgot about Crap Email From a Dude! Those were so good.

The world is shitty enough right now, just let me have some abs!

Why does her passport expire in five years? All of my passports have had 10 years. Unless the first lady and president have special passports, but then wouldn’t it expire at the end of his term?

And all those people who use y’all in their everyday vernacular, we all know who they are voting for. The same people who refer to the Civil War as the War of Norther Aggression.

What’s your Etsy page? I love totes with good tote puns.

You have my sympathy on the nerve testing. I had it done on my toes when I was 18. I have never experienced a pain like it and I hope to never experience it again. I still think about it an wince.

She must be friends with the truck that I see when I go to work. Bumper Sticker “Abortion: the ultimate child abuse.” And then a tiny picture of a fetus. The only thing that stops be rear ending it, is that I think the fetus looks more like a chicken than anything else.

This is a horrible story and I’m sending it to my mother. Maybe she will stop asking me why I don’t go out to bars to meet guys since I’m still single.