
I think what she said can equally be just as true as what Amber said. They’re two different women, in two different relationships. And if there was heavy substance abuse involved during the later relationship (as has been suggested), it’s very possible that they may have even been in relationships with two different

At least this one’s age appropriate and doesn’t already have a fiancee and child.

Preeetty sure she’s just asking him to be adequately informed on the facts, not enamored.

I am tempted to push my index finger into Mario Lopez’s dimple and not stop until I hit brain.

The premise that Beyoncé is the one that gave black and Hispanic “permission to flaunt the things that make them unpopular ...their coloredness and their weight” is the part where I’m gonna have to strongly disagree. For one, I feel like this gives Beyoncé both too much credit and not enough. I agree that Beyoncé has

The phrase “women’s health issues or something” makes me want to kick him right in his shriveled dick or something.

I’m sure they are doing more harm than good. They’ve helped turn people who were mostly undecided against Sanders. I had planned to vote for Sanders (was absentee and didn’t request my ballot in time, so I didn’t actually vote), but I’m glad now that Clinton is winning. Fanaticism of all stripes really turns me off.

Ah, yes... screaming into the Twitter void because JUSTICE and ADVOCACY!

No. Both-side-ism doesn't really work. But they've got their narrative, you know?

Hold onto your hat, people are going to scream Wendell Pierce at this comment for the next week.

This election is toppling into mania, mob mentality and frenzied threat-making on every side.

It depends. Are you botoxing and plastic surgering right?

No. Fuck make-up, and fuck anyone who tries to say it’s some fundamental part of the female experience.

I first read that as Brandi Glanville (which could also make sense).

I am 100% okay with the flaming death of a company that sells “will commit sins 4 chipotle” shirts. To teens. For fifty fucking dollars.

I appreciate that it takes a fair amount of gumption to start and maintain a business but you HAVE TO treat your staff and vendors and customers respectfully or shit will just never really work out for you. Not that the shine was sparkling all that hard on these businesses that resell cheaply made fast fashion at

We age super well. There’s that. Oh, and we’re like, naturally cool and creative, as evidenced by most of American culture being based off of stuff we make up. Every type of American music style, for instance.

Is anything EASIER for us because we’re black? Besides getting arrested?

I mean, there are so many valid points you could make about Taylor Swift, but that was weak. And coming from Lovato? Girl is just begging for attention with all these lame feuds SHE is starting.

“[T]here’s nothing positive that comes from pitting women against each other.”