
Gawker/Jezebel should restrict the use of the word shade to articles written/edited/review by her Woke Honor Judge Kara.

Trees lie and laugh at us.

Funnily enough he was offered the role

Has Matt Damon weighed in on this casting issue yet?

Excellent. Ignore this movie and watch the Doc instead.

I don’t know that white people can’t necessarily tell the stories of people of color, just as I know talented men can tell women’s stories and get it right.

The first person they wanted was Mary J Blige. Mary J Blige can’t act. This tells me they just wanted a name, any name. Quality be damned.

Unless you’re whining about your childhood and how hard it was to go to a boarding school.

DON’T COMPLAIN (says a white person).

Siskel & Ebert, maybe? Because Roger was Ebert.

Yet. But when you dox people because they don’t agree with you and try to send a mob over to change someone’s mind, well, that’s fucked up Trump like behavior. No two ways about it.

There is also the fact that when questioned about his plans for change he doesn’t really seem to have any, he is an NRA shill, blamed his wife (and we know that man has a tax accountant) for not showing his Taxes because it ruined his “common man” bullcrap, and his interaction with women mirrors many of his followers

I really, REALLY don’t understand the misogynistic shit that I’m seeing from Bernie supporters. I voted for Bernie in my state because his policies are most in line with mine, but you bet your ass I’d vote for Hillary if she wins the primaries.

What’s the difference between the actions of a Trump supporter and a Bernie supporter? It doesn’t seem to be much when we talk about their tactics to try to bully other people into their way of thinking and their disbelief that anyone could have real, valid reasons for thinking different.

This is the Bernie Bro phenomenon in a nutshell: a good-enough idea (pointing out the superdelegate system is fundamentally undemocratic) runs into an obnoxious social media tactic, helmed by someone who seems like a bit of a dick.

I am not a teacher, but I used to run a sort of book group/after school program for kids this age and if someone had ever laid hands on one of my girls in this way I think I would have probably been the one to wind up in jail.

Police are not good tools of discipline at a school. They often cause the situation to escalate instead of calm down. It takes a different skill set to handle discipline and maintaining order in schools. Middle school is rough and trying.

Well, Elizabeth isn’t like those other girls. She’s a cool girl.

Last time I was in NYC was 2004. I’m sure my metro card is still somewhere in my apartment, so it’s not like this is, like, a recent change he missed. Regardless? If I wanted to win the NY primary, I’d learn how to ride the goddamned subway. And I live in Southern California.

So this is what it looks like when journalists finally start vetting Sanders, huh?