
Those KJGirls have their hands full. Lamar, Kanye, Tyga and DoucheLord.

Kanye West has always been eccentric- to say the least- but the past week makes me genuinely wonder if he’s having a serious breakdown of some sort.

Children of Men is one of my top 5 movies of all time so I’m with you.

*sighs* He’s so great.

It’s always fascinated me that a large segment of the general public always has a negative knee- jerk reaction to first ladies who actually want to accomplish something with their platform like Hillary, Michelle, Chirlane, etc that’s any more involved than Nancy Reagan’s innocuous “Just Say No” or Laura Bush’s

I agree. When I hear that argument I want to say, “Well who would you rather take up the cause?” If a person has a public platform and can bring an issue as important as mental health to the fore, why do we knock it because they “weren’t elected”?

The whole situation is a week past its sell by date.

I don’t know... Those biscuits are hard to resist.

it’s kanye’s dumb shit

As a person previously ambivalent to Beyoncé, I enjoyed the song and the video immensely. If it’s *not your taste* that’s one thing. If it strikes fear into your white heart... I don’t know what to tell you.

I just always read it as unhappy + trapped. She seems so utterly lifeless. There was that one interview where she said if it was up to her, she’d just be hiking all the time. GO THE MOUNTAINS, KYLIE. JUST GO BE FREE.

As a woman that is also married to a fucking moron I suggest Kim embrace the ideas that she isn’t responsible for anybody’s actions but her own and that what other people think about her is none of her business. I mean, she won’t but I’ve put it out there.

Plot Twist - Kim Kardashian is the one with more common sense.

Really? Because this is me, every morning...

yes! haircut lady gets offed, Rick & Michonne can get together! :D

Honestly I’m surprised a black man was cast to play Jesse Owens in “Race.” Seems like a natural fit for Matt Damon.

Am I seriously in the minority here? I thought last night’s episode was fantastic! It had everything, explosions! Death! Firewater! Daryl! Glenn yet again escaped death by a narrow margin! Daryl!

I am surpized how many critics have been bashing this episode, when my friends and I were thrilled with it, pretty much top to bottom.

Kanyes’s new line is um, interesting.