
Funny thing is, they don't have to. There are literally thousands of black MJ impersonators that don't wear or need makeup to look like Michael in 2001.

That was one of the creepiest and nastiest comments I’ve ever heard. Thank everything that I’ve never put so much as a dime into his pocket.

This confused me as well.

I thought this was a hate crime (had to reread the linked articles), but it’s just a typical murder. Apparently she was shot in an altercation with someone she knew over something she allegedly stole from that person. According to her roomate she does this quite often.

Very sad for Monica’s family and friends, but I don’t understand the significance of gender identity. How many women have been murdered so far in 2016?

Can you explain how you reconcile posting this article and also an article with gleeful homophobic connotations one after the other? You’re participating in a toxic anti-LGBTQ culture in one post and bemoaning the tragic consequences of that culture in the next.

I guess it was unclear if she had changed her name legally, if she hadn’t it makes sense that they would use the name on record.

I wonder about this all the time, the US has an astronomical murder rate, despite trans women being an infinitesimally small percentage of that population they will also, on occasion, be murdered - sometimes due to their transness and sometimes due to a number of often related but sometimes unrelated variables.

I would be quite surprised if a police report did not use a victims legal name.

I don’t understand this.

The lady doth protest too much!

“I own your kid” will never be forgotten. Dick.

Hopefully Neil deGrasse Tyson.

* This offer is not valid on Twitter feuds originating within the city of Calabasas or in cities within Los Angeles County with median incomes of $100,000 or more.

Kanye’s not going to be a dick to kids any longer. That calls for celebrations!

According to his own logic he should go drop his kids off at daddy Ray-Js house since apparently he owns them

I’d pick the guy with the great ideas who might win over the public with those ideas in the long run, which might finally carry over in midterm election results and could result in a do-something congress after all.

I like Bernie. I don't think he's presidential but I think he'd be good in the administration. The #1 thing that turns me off of Bernie are honestly his supporters. They are the rabid evangelical Christians of liberalism.

I don’t mind Bernie. He sounds like my Queens-born father and looks like a Philosophy professor I had in undergrad. His problem is his ideas and proposals, while great, have zero chance of working with the Congress. Congress, which is a bag of dicks, would eat him for lunch. Clinton knows how to work the system in her