realsnickers is now twix

I agree with every doomsday prophet here in this blog The machines are learning and one day, they will become self aware. So if you excuse me I'm off to find myself an abandoned gold mine here in the Rockies and ready it for Judgement Day. One question though. How far do I have to be from NORAD to survive the initial

@Spartanical: The problem is you might be unconscious when you need need to push the button. I suggest to combine the pocket sized EMP with a personal force field generator

Now playing

We are finally one step closer to Soylent Green

soo this is just for women right? because the frontside? will make it easy to get my cahoonas entangled and ripped off in a flash. On the other hand This is a good conversaton starter.

@jepzilla: lol this is a joke that almost 100% of the folks don't get around here Me? I used to live in Eastern Germany I know exactly what you mean

I assume that the only reason to mandate backup cameras is that the majority of people living in America are morbidly obese and cannot turn around to look in the direction they are driving?

It looks like Robert Gates knows the First Rule of survival: If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging

if one could travel back in time would it be wrong to kill that fcuker?

@ElGouldo: that was funny and painful to watch at the same time

so he bought 10 000 stolen phones from an undercover officer ? Where did the officer get 10000 stolen phones from? TSA?

@tallchair: like what? A Death Star maybe?

@vinter: this is the reason why i bought two identical rings

This offer is sponsored by Blue Cross Blue Shield to learn more about the people we insure. Naa, just kidding I'm sure that would be unlawful or is it?

this must feel extra stupid to everybody living over there. In a country with more oil than god.

@PeterNincompoop: pfff Research Assistant he is from the TSA for a post flight grope

@zipeater: SyFy channel is going to make a movie from it. "Mountain shark spring break"

Hey Jesus, are you head hunting a new Gizmodo writer?

@Martin: I stand corrected I apologize