@Les Mikesell: by selling the scans online on nakedscannerfap.com
@Les Mikesell: by selling the scans online on nakedscannerfap.com
@FriarNurgle: wholly crap those guys would kill you with their bare hands when you step over the yellow line. Also the checkpoint would be fortified with Gatling guns and grenade launchers to prevent line skipping
@DustyButt: but did you see the woman with the cell phone walking by?
@Curves: purely self preservation
@Curves: and in an hostage situation everybody starts shooting forward riddling the cockpit, the Pilots, the First Class, and all instruments necessary to fly a plane with bullet holes. I'm afraid I have to send you back to the drawing board.
@RigAudio: is it iStyluses or iStylee?
All two fans are going to be happy to hear about it
Maybe they are going to kill iTunes and replace it with something that actually works. That would be something wouldn't it? A man can dream..
IF you have nothing to hide you shouldn't mind getting prodded a little bid IT is for the greater good.
@Dr. Nemmo: It actually worked for me. A TSA dude offered me a "private" search in a jokingly kind of way. I was so enthusiastic about it that he walked away from me sporting a very disgusted face. It is easier to screw with them than you think
@Dapke36: Thats not how you get a star around here
to painful to watch
LOL For years every crummy phone in this world wanted to be an iPhone and now the iPhone wants to be a droid. Sit back relax and enjoy the show
@Midnight_Tengen: so it is not a turtleneck steve is sporting. It is a ski mask he is using when he breaks into the Microsoft lab for inspiration.
We use the iPad every day at work. Unless the Dell has a 10" screen it's useless for any kind of one on one presentation
@battra92: I could not resist to Google her. I'm lucky that I'm self employed
Funny how the artist was able to envision a video phone. But in his dreams the microphone is still wired to the tube
@CrispyAardvark: you hear that Lucas from lucas arts? two people are almost mass market...