
Well it did end up with him getting his face shit on at

What outcome? Criminals not being shot when they fight with police? Get real. The world is laughing at you. Identifying your entire race with low-life criminals. It's embarrassing. Good grief.

Yes, there is something wrong with people being united when you are a hateful, loathsome individual with a pathetic victim mentality like most of the sad souls commenting here.

Fixed this for you:

All lives do matter, you racist slore.

Hilarious. As if it shouldnt be a priority. But go on, keep pretending racist cops are your biggest problem. You’ll remain in the shitter even longer than you have been. Cant fix stupid.

This is one of the most racist pieces of filth even written. Hopefully Jezebel meets the same fate as Gawker soon. Disgusting.

How about she gets her America-Hatin’ face shit on just like her America-Hatin’ friend Colin K. and others already have at