
THIS ^^^. Second paragraph could not have been any more spot on. No one here is saying that 50 Cent is some great example of what it means to be a Black man—that's irrelevant. He is a Black man and I (as a White woman) have no place in deciding what his fame means for the Black community. The real problems here is

I don't know what's in 50 Cent's head. Maybe his act is 100% cynical. Maybe he really, really likes feeling tough and is 100% serious in how he presents himself. Maybe it's some mix of the two.

Individual black people have the freedom to decide how to present themselves. When 50 Cent appears in public, he is appearing as himself. He has the freedom to present himself how he chooses, without being responsible for his whole race, just like Lindsay Lohan has the freedom to present herself as Lindsay Lohan, not

I know you were being facetious

Well, you'd either be the Jackson 5 or a gang of cupcake loving pimps.

Being racist for a good cause makes it magically less racist. Somehow. Said no-one ever.

So sick of this stupid argument. False fucking equivalency. You would never assume a white person was changing their appearance to appear not white because there's no "not white" privilege to be gained from that. There is privilege to be gained by a person of color who tries to emulate the physical characteristics of

I don't think that's directly on their mind, but it's how we've been conditioned. It's not a coincidence that Caucasian features are considered more attractive and thus more marketable, that's the society we live in. So someone getting this surgery isn't necessarily thinking "I want to look whiter", but their decision

That's patently false. There is no 'no whites allowed clause'. Historically underrepresented Greeks have plenty of non-black members. They actually welcome diversity. I personally know of Latinos who joined Black orgs and vice versa. I know whites who joined Black orgs and vice versa. Whites have joined Asian orgs.

As a member of an historically black fraternity I can unequivocally assure you that our organizations aren't exclusive to race. I pledged at an hbcu and two of my pledge brothers are/were white and never had any issues because of it. Further, as Dean of Pledges I pledged in three separate classes of young men who

It's really irresponsible of you to come in here and speak on what you do not know.

They are called Historically Black Greek Orgs and are not exclusive to race so please do your research. As a member of the oldest black sorority we and the other 8 bgos are non discriminatory and do not factor race when choosing our members. It's just how many white girls do you know want to hang with all black girls?


Don't mistake the lack of interest of most white students in joining black fraternities and sororities with a supposed "no white people allowed" policy of those organizations.

Read and learn:…

Fail. You have no clue about the history of black fraternities and sororities-all of which are racially and ethnically diverse, by the way. They aren't 'allowed' to be exclusive- they are fully actualized organizations that do not discriminate based on race or ethnicity. Try again.

Stupid chants might not directly cause rape, but widespread acceptance of stupid chants endorsing rape and other non-consensual sexual activity leads to a culture where rape is seen by some as not that big a deal, and that's a dangerous road to go down. So I think it's important to nip this shit in the bud.

I saw the trailer. I don't remember it though because I stopped breathing in the middle of it and blacked out.

I for one am grateful that the same people who get the dumb idea to chant dumb shit like this also have the same inspired idea to capture the moment on film and tell the world. Thanks idiots, please keep up the good work!

I should be a copy writer, I know.

I did cry, and I'm still crying. This fear is worse than the being-buried-alive fear. I don't know if I can see this. It also might make me vomit.