I totally get the exotic rug or vase feeling. I very frequently feel like a rare breed of dog, or a bizarre strain of marijuana around certain people: "Wow, it's interesting that this thing exists."
I totally get the exotic rug or vase feeling. I very frequently feel like a rare breed of dog, or a bizarre strain of marijuana around certain people: "Wow, it's interesting that this thing exists."
At my old job someone made a joke about Mexicans being lazy. And I was all like, "I"M RIGHT HERE!!!! Why are you insulting my heritage for being lazy WHILE YOU SIT HERE ON YOUR LAZY ASS!!!!???!!!!"
I am a white girl from the South who is secretly a brown girl from even farther south, and this is my favourite online game.
Also: some not-so-brown people are actually brown people in disguise. Please be aware of this. They send us out to find out who says shitty racist stuff when we're not around.
It's tough. All I want is for him to be oroud of me.
Please stop commenting on my articles, dad.
I, for one, am looking forward to next season, which is going to be Real World Challenge: Nursing Home, because all of these fucks are TOO FUCKING OLD TO STILL BE DOING THIS SHIT.
If there is one man for whom no panties should ever drop, it's this skeezy misogynist.
Good. Wouldn't shed a tear if it happened. Wouldn't shed a tear if he died in a car crash. Wouldn't shed a tear if his life becomes a living hell. Fuck him AND his stupid family. Hope they all suffer.
When I wanna hear Marvin Gaye, I'll listen to his music, instead of this pathetic weasel who couldn't come up with anything worth a damn on his own.
Reality shows go to a lot of trouble to cast attractive undiagnosed sociopaths along with annoying regular people to get a nice mix of conflict that they can then edit into any storyline they want.
I doubt I'll see this but it's nice to see a Boston movie that's not about the Irish mob, Harvard or the Irish mob attending Harvard. ("Ben Affleck IS Prof. Whitey McGlynn in 'Crimson Mist.'")
I dunno, can we get some other straight people to weigh in on this? Their input would be really valuable in determining whether or not he is, in fact, a homophobe in this case.
I don't know what you're talking about because Paula Deen's sons say that Alec Baldwin IS NOT homophobic.
I'd be careful. You can tell by his run that he's had training in ballet.