
For real. This dude is on the top of my "People I hope Dany's dragons eat" list. I'm like Arya, reciting it to myself as I drift off to sleep at night.

Oh man. If these torture scenes make you uncomfortable...well...hmmm

This post is sorely lacking in multiple gifs of Robb Stark in all his naked glory.

Theon's torture, which wasn't "shown" in the book, serves the purpose of having viewers understand just what he went through, and what it would do to a person's body and soul ... so that, um, they understand what he becomes. That's as non-spoilery as I can get. The books had other tools to get across the same point.

I am so glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this post. The "More You Know" gif has me in hysterics.

Brienne is such a badass, she hardly ever needs the armor to protect her.

Now playing

You do discriminate because you believe that people of color lie about racism, and believe a white person's word on its face before you do theirs.

I knew this movie would be a flaming pile... but I love me some Ben Barnes. Can't lie.

I'm reminded of the wise words of Toby Ziegler: "No one ever looks like Joe McCarthy, sir, that's how they get in the door in the first place."