
I would love some more proof on this being true. While I am sure some of what you’re saying is true, but I’d have to think that some of those tests/doctor visits that take months to get are not life threatening or even remotely super important...just routine things that should be done to maintain health or find

You know what’s socialist?

The thing is, with single payer, the cost go down. The system could maintain the high salaries of the doctors, which is a necessary requirement to keep the pool stocked and the multiple areas around the nation full. But the gross use of money managers (or whatever they are called in hospitals) that just make up the

A Socialist???

Seems like he is trying to disassociate from Peter King. Sorry Burneko, Peter King is a fucking dipshit and it seems his political views align with yours. Own it I guess.

I don’t know about everyone, but if someone goes out of their way to tell me they’re a Christian, the first thing that goes through my head is whether they’re one of the crazy types who believe equal rights for gays is a sign of the end times and Planned Parenthood is the modern equivalent of literal nazis. Maybe it’s

Look, if the Founding Fathers had wanted to establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defence, and promote the general welfare, they would have said so.

I’m just waiting on a classic Sega so I can play Zombies Ate my Neighbors and Toejam and Earl. That’s like all I want in life.

Hm. Perhaps I’m too much of an “old”, but my gut instinct is that this won’t be as wildly popular as the NES Classic.

A million times this. I find if maddening that a large overlap of people are “Blue Lives Matter” types who think the concept of a state funded police department is sacrosanct, but think that the idea that the government protecting its citizens via heath care is stuff straight out of USSR.

They are variations on the

It is refreshing to see talk of a socialist King being shared outside of just The Root.

And Police. And Roads, bridges, tunnels. Maybe Fire Departments as well? EMS? How about public schools? Once we as a people dump health care into these exact quantifications, we will continue to lag behind the rest of the world.

So basically what you are saying is that YOU ARE ALSO A SOCIALIST

Ha, pre-orders. That’s quite optimistic of you.

claiming that universal health care equals socialism is really silly

I’m sure some of the same people calling him a socialist are the same people who love their Medicaid.

Goddamnit Burneko, keep your government hands off my Medicare.

They’ve already discontinued it.

I can’t wait to never be able to get one ever

I don’t think any German brand instills that quality feeling it once did.