I'm surprised people aren't migrating to an alternative. Seems like a mass migration or backup service would be a good idea. I'd follow my subscriptions where they went.
I'm surprised people aren't migrating to an alternative. Seems like a mass migration or backup service would be a good idea. I'd follow my subscriptions where they went.
Booooooo. Candy crush is the devil. Booooooo.
You'd think youtube would be a little more catering to its number one viewed type of videos.
I did, but I'm glad that they showed me the documentary too :D
Wow thanks!
One day a movie will be made about these guys and I will go see it.
That's hilarious. kudos
I associate these games with candy crush, which has been known to be harmfully addicting.
It's amazing how many little things can be taken for granted! In essence cyanogenmod is android to me.
You know, I never realized how much Cyanogen improves stock android until I used it the other day and I couldn't expand my volume sliders among other things :P
That was amazing.
I was going to argue that it would be more evony than civilization, but seeing as that is what evony is based on, my argument would be invalid. Cheerio :)
This star thing... I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's just so new and different 0.0
I love that.
My god this is the thing that made me fall in love with the series and the thing that I miss absolutely the most. I always had hope they would bring it back in each game, but gave up after 3.
This is what I want from an assassin's creed game: I want them to have me plan out every aspect of the assassination and then have me set my plan in motion to execute it like how I imagine an assassin would.
I lol'd ;)
It's like inception.