Editor’s note: We, here at The Root, are fully aware that this photo has been photoshopped. We are also aware that…
Editor’s note: We, here at The Root, are fully aware that this photo has been photoshopped. We are also aware that…
YES. The vet groups that showed up are fucking amazing.
Trump ? Spiteful ? What could possibly make you think that of our President-elect (vomit) ?
Hell yes, and don’t forget the veterans groups, each led by a Native American woman vet, who showed up to protect the water defenders. Now that is fucking American. Fuck these corporate, fossil fuel, fuck-the-environment bastards.
Don’t forget to call some of your troll groups, too. Some of them are pro-environment, and some of the ones that are not would take this on just for the lulz.
So, Austria rejected a far-right candidate and DAPL is stopped. It’s a good day! Let’s hope the results of the Italian referendum continue the pattern...and that this is a turning point after this no-good shitty year! (Louisiana senate seat; recounts and/or faithless electors, pleaseohplease!)
He must start reenacting each SNL-response tweet from Orange, building the insult. The next skit should be Baldwin sucking the corner of his blanket, talking about a sketch show that is super unfair to him, watching SNL, and composing bizarre infantile tweets about it in the middle of the night instead of going to…
“My right wing “friends” who voted for Trump (but aren’t bigots!™)“
Kings. Kings and Queen regents do that, after they’ve been crowned. They travel the country to “meet” the people (i.e. be cheered on while driving slowly through main street and then on to the next place).
Donald Trump, in fact, doesn’t support free market ideals. He’s not an economic conservative in any way, shape or form. One could easily argue that on economics he was more “progressive” than Hillary (although do any of us really know what these terms really mean anymore?).
The Victory Tour thing pisses me off SO MUCH.
I now have a theory that Drumpf sees no difference between fictional/comedy entertainment in contrast with news or, you know, facts.
I love Mckinnon, but Conway could be better played by an aging heavy metal dude, in heels. There is a blonde one in particular who comes to mind, but his name escapes me.
Truth be told, I’m sure he’s very well aware of the mockery he receives online. But, he chooses to surround himself with sycophants and only listens to the encouragement he receives from the rubes at his rallies. He is such a goddamn insecure narcissist. Seriously, who the fuck holds a “victory tour” after they won…
I like it and I don’t know why this is such a hard thing to grasp. But then I remember those neo nazi types are stupid and it makes a little more sense.
You give him WAY too much credit by calling him a man. He is nothing more than a sad, spoiled little boy.
I can hardly watch SNL because McKinnon gets Conway so, so wrong—you can’t make a funny, oddly charming, reality-grounded silk purse out of an icy-blooded fascist sow’s ear, and yet McKinnon keeps trying to pull it off.
I’m sure Baldwin never imagined that this would be his lasting contribution to the world.
It brings me great comfort that Alec Baldwin keeps doing this impersonation with the sole purpose of getting under Trump’s skin.
How empty are their lives that they can legit find the time to get worked up about the color of Santa? I mean I’m so busy with just my family and worrying about the havoc trump is creating. Like where does the fucking energy come from for these people that cannot help themselves but worry about the most idiotic crap?…