
Me, too. I’m over us.

They twinkle and he looks so merry!

Seriously, he’s a perfect Santa.

Right? And he is a godsdamned vet too? Does he also work at the shelter and donate half his paycheck to the local orphanage? And people hate him!

Fake made up fat guy who wears a goofy red suit that runs a toy factory at the north pole filled with elves and flies around the world in a sled towed by reindeer delivering children presents after eating cookies and milk and likes to yell ho-ho-ho. Tote’s the same as MLK jr...

I know right? Look at his eyes. Those are the eyes of a Santa Claus!

How empty are their lives that they can legit find the time to get worked up about the color of Santa? I mean I’m so busy with just my family and worrying about the havoc trump is creating. Like where does the fucking energy come from for these people that cannot help themselves but worry about the most idiotic crap?

Right? Even just from the pictures he seems like a charming man.

Watching this episode of Good Times as a black girl in the 70s blew my mind. The thought that Jesus might not have been a white man was frightening and revelatory at the same time.

He’s such a cute santa too. 😕

America needs a Black Megyn Kelly. She’d be like “Santa is brown; Jesus is clearly Black...”

this tweet is paradise


Fuck all of this. Fuck everything. Idris Elba should be every Santa, everywhere.

ETA: someone makes the Santa-MLK connection in the ex-comments as well. I’m actually starting to feel deeply disturbed at how readily white people are jumping to Martin Luther freaking King as the Black equivalent of Santa Clause.....

St Nicholas was a Moor. Moors were black. If anything all Santas should be black.

Goddamnit. I seriously can’t remember a day in the last month where I haven’t hated humanity at least once.