
ah, i see you’ve purchased the “alt-right 4 chan” rosetta stone, good work speaking to him in his native tongue!

YOU DESERVE ALL THE STARS. I’ll never not star a Vincent Adultman reference.

A solution to a problem that doesn’t really exist. People have to start pushing back against this mythical tide of Muslim hordes coming into Europe, where all the women are wearing niqaab and all the men with their hipster beards are waving the ISIS flag around.

Hawt taek from a limp dikk!

I’m sorry that the public education system has failed you so thoroughly.

Getting a strong Christopher Walken as Max Zorin in A View to a Kill vibe from this tool.


when i first saw the picture in the lede, i assumed i was looking at two kids in a trenchcoat, trying to look like an adult. but when i read the article, i realized its just a huge asshole.

Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.

Yeah holy fuck this woman is pure evil. Fuck her.

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

He also believes in the complete destruction of Medicare and Medicaid. Seeing as how a lot of Trump’s voters are on one of the two it makes my head hurt. People constantly warn them that they vote against their own interests. They think the programs they rely on will be abolished for “certain people”... No, Einstein.

I don’t even know why it matters at this point. We know every single pick for every job will be an awful human being. We could just say he’s appointing Person A, Person B, etc., and refer to them that way after the inauguration. Their individual identities have very little relevance. We are not white men so we don’t

Oh yeah, that is Paul Ryan’s dream and I bet he has the legislation typed up waiting for Trump’s signature since he already has Republican majority in the House and Senate.

Oh, well, Bannon is totally a drunk. He’s been trying to drink away his fear that he might not be 100% white for 50 years.

So, almost three weeks and counting of not a single day going by with a piece of decent news. Not even good news, but decent news. No, it’s all been going to shit. For almost 21 consecutive days.

Trump’s cabinet:

Oh, Sunshine. You are so going to get fucked under this new administration. You are precisely the type of lazy, sucking on the teat of government, loser that they can’t wait to kick off off whatever government health plan you have.

Donald Trump: “This establishment is who got us into this mess. I’m suing the RNC for not being fair to me.”

Donald Trump: It’s despicable that people are working in Congress for so long, there needs to be limits. Something, something, something drain the swamp!