
Hayden…just write a book on this series. I loved the first two because of their lengths, but these shorter ones are bumming me out. They are far from bad, they are just….on the short side. Write some pages, put it on Google Docs, please. For America….Home of the Eagle.

Are we sure Ms Tyler is not a model? Is this some rues she is pulling on us hapless nerds and AV commentators?

Maybe Number One Favorite Episode In Series. Yeah, It's Number One.

New Day Rising isn’t Hüsker Dü’s best album, let alone SST’s. -
Really? I am pretty sure it's scientifically proven that this is the Husker's best album.

I LOVE LOVE THIS EPISODE SPECIFICALLY. I can pop it on the DVD (Cause I don't Stream all you hip netflix kids) any time.

But that's an amazing episode. That and the cat episode and the second on are my three favorite episodes of anything.

I want to say that I love love love this show. I kick myself every time for not watching back in the early 00's on adult swim. I should watch it again tonight….

1. I think Dee's insults towards Fatty Magoo where the most uncomfortable I have ever been watching the show. Like nothing ever made me so uncomfortable and dropped my draw then that scene.

Does anyone think Tom Petty is underrated? I mean more people seem to like Journey them him. Just throwing it out and ready for the slaughter.

Wait, he wasn't wearing a Tommy Bahama shirt. That might have been it. Thanks for bringing the clothes up.

Did Ronald "Mac" McDonald look a little thinner in this episode or was it just the light?

Yet, what does it say when Dennis knew that better then Charlie himself? Probably nothing.

Well, there was also that episode from last season when they went to Atlantic City and even the episode where they bought the police car. (Though Frank was a party to that. I still count it.)  I agree though it works because of the oddity of those two in particular together.

Even though the scene was not close to a minute, there is something about Dennis and Charlie that just works in the weirdest way for me. That pairing needs to happen a little more often. Just a smooch though.

Is it me our do post like these sound more and more like Videogum post. I would like but you know.

Has anyone seen the Scott Pilgrim vs the Animation. As much as I loove the film, and I certainly loove the film, I think it could have fared much better as a cartoon on Adult Swim. And have been way awesome too. Plus, you could have has more story from the comic. What's not to like. Amirite? Who's wit me on this?

All those quotes and no :"Shut up, Dog!"

I'm glad Blair Witch got some props. Everyone tends to hate on that film,.but it scared me when I was a kid. The description is still….no thank you. That see was pretty bloody creepy.

What kind of sandwich?

Dear Harry Belafonte,