
Don't bother with that youtube video, that's some seriously butchered French. Pronounce it Shee-ron with a silent n. If you ever took French you'll know how they pronounce 'on' I can't really write in in English because I honestly can't think of a word where that sound is used.

I'm not sure you read the quote correctly. It was an Audi clutch.


I want an S-Class with Magic Ride ControlTronicMatic Plus so I can roll through these doing a solid 85mph.

Pretty sure that's a Lambo, dude.

Sell me the Z. Sell it to meeeeee.

Is there anything better than a fast sedan?

Only available in yellow though.

Jesus, sounds like some great stories. Some punctuation and paragraphs would help in making more sense of them though!

Yeah not so much on the show part, amirite?

Bait cars are just thinly disguised police racism at work. The original idea of the bait car was to catch professional car thieves. But the tactic of leaving a car running at the curb in a "high risk" (cop speak for black or Hispanic) neighborhood will never draw the professionals as much as it will some hapless crack

Agh I don't need coffee anymore.

Somebody buy this, then go hoon offroad.

The what?!

For as much as I used to complain about the cost of a Land Rover oil change, I did appreciate the Saturday morning omelette bar. Several times, I have to admit, I tried making my money back, just from sausage and mushrooms.

I once worked at a truck dealership as a mechanic - my Ford was across town at the dealer for service and I went by late in the afternoon to pick it up...while still wearing the obligatory blue shirt and pants with the day's grime in place.

I got bespoke done by Bentley on my C63.

Kill him? Why would I do that? I've done far worse, I've destroyed his family, his friends, and brought the leader of his kind to his knees before I threw him off of a balcony. I won't kill you goomba, because there's no need to. I've already destroyed you.