
I have really strange taste. I don't make sense to myself.

I'm adding this car to my list of New Cars I Could Buy in Good Faith (there's a trend here somewhere, I just can't find it):

Dude, 6.2L V8! Lol, of course there's no room.

The new S-Class or any car with the automatic cruise control follow-the-car-in-front-of-you feature that can even come to a complete stop and go around bends.

Don't be shitty.

So I drove 720 miles this weekend (there and back again), going there I used cruise control and the needle was pegged at the low 30s. I say low 30s because the distance between markings is irregular and the highest two numbers are "25" and "40." Running the numbers when I got to a gas station I got just over 32mpg.

The fuel consumption dial on my 94 318i reports 25-30mpg in 5th gear cruising at 50mph and 40+mpg in 5th gear cruising anywhere between 70mph and 80mph. I think the word I need is "load," as in having a smaller load on the engine increases mpg but I don't know enough to know if that's the word I need.

You're right. I have the Bentley manuals for my E32 and my E36 and they are fantastic. The only complaint I've ever had was that it didn't tell me the pattern to use when tightening my valve cover, but that was solved by a quick google search.

The way I did it was I bought a 10 year old GM product (no hate, Buick 3800 Series II - fabulous machine) and a Haynes manual. Turned out the car needed a lot of suspension work. Suspension stuff is great because all you're doing is unscrewing, prying, and re-screwing. Then the engine had a misfire and I tried

Everything was better after the war!

I have a 94 318i - M40B18 w/ 113hp and 120lb*ft - and I break my wheels loose all day.

Your username is fantastic.

When I was a senior in college I seriously considered buying a red VW Fox which had been sitting in a field for a year, no powered options, and a five speed for $400. Instead I bought a running 87 240DL with power steering and an automatic for $460. I think either would have been a fun choice. Also I was cross

What a beautiful car! I really love the glass covers over Japanese-cars-of-this-era headlights. It makes them look so Italian.

A cheap used one is a tempting proposition, but small problem that wouldn't raise an eyebrow in a normal car can total an AMG with a V12.

I don't think people who would buy this car neither care about class nor bother to think about what else they could buy.

Kill it, kill it, kill it!

"now-resurrected," what is this? Do explain, please.

Is there a high quality version pleeeease?

These are fantastic.