What is the yellow from? Is it photoshoped?
What is the yellow from? Is it photoshoped?
Email signatures that include their own email address are a pet peeve. I got your email therefore I know your email address and do not need to read it again.
I bet it is a typo, a quick google returns that single pain is R 2, so double to R 4 for double pain. Sounds right to me
It has skipped a bunch of great ways to protect your privacy, largely because the people that developed it make their money data mining you (cough, Google, cough).
Yes, but sysadmins need to patch their servers.
Not everyone loves http/2. See also: http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=…
Not so much a monitor, but a buying tip: University Surplus.
Adblock Plus is to blame.
The 'articles also by' come in various sizes, so it is a little unpredictable. But it is always there. My guess it that there is some JS behavior that is supposed to show it at some points but it is a little busted at the moment.
Can you guys please get the techs to fix the invis-sidebar links? Please, please, please?
Isn't that still mostly storage? "Cloud communication" boils down to storage and retrieval. Voicemail? Stored audio files. Email? Stored text files. Stored on networked hard drives with redundancy and backups.
Honestly, the extra saving at the end of the month makes me tingle.
Yes, lots of PROD systems are unprotected at the moment. We are all doing a thing called "testing" so that something else doesn't break, rather than blindly updating like OSX and Windows users...
Vote: Reveal.js
Minus: It allows people to create things that are closer to vomit inducing roller coaster rides, than a presentation.
Or buy gloves and get some wrist support to boot.
dumb assexcellent action movie has done it, stand corrected
Arnold in True Lies.
No it doesn't store like a battery. It does store 'cooling', so rather than run high consumption AC units during peak load, they can cool air using the ice.