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VOTE: Discover - Normal old Discover

Why have I not heard the Mango song before?

I would love to see an article on the different ways to finance a home purchase. My wife and I are just beginning this process, we went to get pre-approved and the banker had a few options I hadn't heard of or know if they were good ideas.

I occasionally have to implement color palates that people (clients) generate on tools like that (which, in their minds, makes them a web designer of immense talent and expertise).

It is cool to the crazy engineering at work. But if I am being honest, I want to see it crumble...

First, maybe these Life posts belong on a sub-kinja (or what ever it is called) rather than in Lifehacker proper.

(It is a personal preference. That said...)

Photocopying the bottom is also a good way to make a perfect template

What's more, the new launcher can be fired safely in confined spaces, an essential feature in urban warfare.

Great post, very interesting to read. More, More, More!


Not gonna lie, I was hoping it got hit

The key is to make sure you don't leave it in the washing machine a full cycle, but a quick 2-3 minute agitation along with a full rinse and spin (and, obviously, unplug all cables before you put it in). You can dry it on low for a few minutes, but you'll likely have to hang it for a day or two to completely dry out.

Only took me a a couple weeks, they do them in batches (

Vote: Atom

I didn't know GaGa had a new video

How long is "a while"? I don't think that justifies the price tag at all, they are using a surplus robot to carve surplus wood. Fixed cost are distributed, so unless it takes a massive amount of electricity, they are just upcharging hipsters.