
Matt Ryan is really wearing Constantine's trenchcoat well.. and he's just showing up the others' not-quite-up-to-par acting. Zed having a go at him, trying to soul-suck him through some serious eye-contact was especially glaring compared with Ryan's 'You think I wanted this?' delivery.

Ok. I'll say it.

I think it's Annalise too. The students were rather .. unconcerned about the fact that an entire carpet is missing from her office/house. Something she's bound to notice.. unless she's in on it, in which case.. meh.

I thought that too for a little bit but they wouldn't, would they!?!?

I am so excited about this, it's kind of ridiculous.

you are my hero. <3

and his voodoo penis.

The explanation they have for not knowing Lila was six weeks pregnant is so, so poor. I realise it's meant to be a shock! plot point, but come on. The medical examiners can't possibly be THAT inept.

Danny's super excited dance at the end to 'Welcome to the Danger Zone' nearly made me cry from laughing so hard. Mindy's face was incredible.

+10 for 'milquetoast'- excellent choice of adjective, and one that isn't used nearly enough.

Dammit. It was getting so good too- the pilot had problems, but the last few episodes have been so charming and Gillan/Cho have been great. That Charmonique HS reunion episode was solid and probably one of the stronger sitcom episodes this season.

and she was SIX WEEKS along- how do you miss that!? They need a new medical examiner.

Her Legal Aid boyfriend is super hot. I'll have him if she doesn't want him.

Poor Conor, that scene by Oliver's door really did make me feel for him. Though, y'know, bathroom stall sex- there's always more of that to help kind of soothe a broken heart.

Proof of how much The Following's screwed me up: when Connie Nielsen showed up, my first thought was 'Oh hey, that weird one with the strange twins and wanting to bang the Poe wannabe! Classic Poe!'. I'm only a little bit sorry.

I don't think I've ever fangirled a show this much when it's only about four episodes in. It's so charming and funny and has such heart. Gina Rodriguez is brilliant- while the cast, as a whole, has been pretty brilliant.. I think she makes up a huge part of why this show is just so charming.

Gryffindor House Sorting Checklist:
1. Must have un-understandable Saviour Complex.
2. Must have puppy face.
3. Must have a weakness for bland 'prickly' females.

(Total side note: podcasts similar to the COTW? You mean Serial, don't you?If not: what else are you listening to?!)

I'm disappointed we didn't get Connor sexing people up. I think it's pretty much the only reason why I'm watching this show. =/ I suppose Grown Up Dean Thomas' abs kinda make up for it.

I would really appreciate and value such a thread- thank you for bringing up the idea! I think there's a lot around friendship/mentorship/the relationships between/among women in the show that I would really enjoy discussing and unpacking!