
Cat guy here too. I’ve found this to be the case as well. I just brought home a rescue cat that was originally feral and it took me about 3 months to earn her trust and now she follows me everywhere but is still skittish around my wife. Trying to compare cat and dog behaviors is just silly, they are completely

Kind of feel like including cats from a cat cafe would significantly skew the data. Wouldn’t those cats be habituated to the idea of receiving treats from any random stranger who shows up in the cafe, regardless of how they interact with the staff? Not to mention the fact that the staff don’t even share the same

The researchers note that their findings might play into preconceived notions of cats being selfish and less expressive than dogs. But they also point out that cat owners are less likely to agree with those stereotypes.

Calling something a torture device doesn’t make it a torture device. If you don’t like it, then don’t buy it. Honestly, you really shouldn’t buy anything on Kickstarter.

Buying his stuntwoman friend that horse was awfully neeiighborly of Viggo.

This didn’t depress me, it brightened me up. To know that the horses went to a good life and care after the cameras stopped rolling is terrific to know. That isn’t the case for many animals in showbiz at times, and I imagine them enjoying a fine ranch to live out their days happily with a good human to watch over

Buying his stuntwoman friend that horse was awfully neeiighborly of Viggo. a tunic.

But that’s not what  most people talk about when we talk about people who are late all the time. 

I’m sorry for what you are going through but you are talking about children. I was not. I’m talking about fully formed adults with minor issues like Drew Barrymore ..and myself.

You’re talking about an extreme case. You’re talking about children. You’re talking as a parent. I’m sorry for what you’ve been through but I was talking in general terms about lateness and your average run of the mill ocd. I’ve had it all my life. Hope your night gets better.

When you KNOW what your issues are and why you’re running late yet you don’t take major steps to adjust for your own shortcomings and you continue to run late you are in fact saying that you’re time is more important.

great now she’s stealing roles from green women too

I read a comment yesterday about how millennials have to label everything. I don’t even like labelling millennials as such, lol. Nobody likes to be boxed in with a label on top.

Because in most places around the country, late November is winter.  The fall occasion is Halloween.

My thoughts precisely! I thought the Thanksgiving angle was completely out of place.

I am 100% a white suburban housewife who loves fall and sweaters and pumpkin spice lattes. IDK how this article got into Thanksgiving? Which, while technically in the fall is just a dress rehearsal for Christmas. The secret is, I live in Georgia. In the fall, it is the end of 4+ months of temperatures over 90 and all

I ask that you don’t make personal assumptions of my character based on one internet post. You clearly make the point that people are more complex than my singular experience, extend me that courtesy.

You can buy frozen vegetables at the Dollar Tree. The idea that these items are only available at “luxury grocery stores” is asinine.

I mean, he’s right.