
Yeah. How dare we accuse him of being anti-Semitic. He’s just trying to learn why the Jews control everything in the entire world. And what about their sacrificing of Christian babies?

Being an asshole is not the purview of any particular group, especially when it comes to anti-semitism. Most everyone everywhere tends to get in on the act. You might be downtrodden and persecuted yourself, but you can always feel a little better by blaming the Jews!

An anti-semitic sect? Do you mean those anti-Israel Hasidic Jews, Black Israelites or Jews for Jesus? Bc I wouldn’t consider the latter two Jewish at all

I just don’t understand the popularity of Louis Farrakhan. I realize the Nation of Islam does a lot of outreach in Black and minority neighborhoods, and in other situations with marginalized people, and has significant credibility as a result (at least for some). But Louis Farrakhan is straight up a snake in snake’s

“The world is outraged about racial injustice and the pandemic is finally forcing people to acknowledge the vast divide between the few rich and the many poor. There are protests active, at this moment, in cities across the world.

This is patently some white bullshit, but why did they choose to name themselves Lady Antebellum if they didn’t understand what it meant? They want everyone to accept that they’re not racist, just stupid, when they’re clearly both racist and stupid.

The official photo of Diana as a child seems like a really bad Photoshop job. That looks like an adult head grafted onto a smaller adult.

I think that to the extent that you root for Ava it is more because of the actress’s charisma than the frustratingly written (until late in the season) character

Sometimes men are the victims. It’s more often women, but sometimes it’s men, like it likely is now. It doesn’t take away the legitimacy of women victims. Jezebel is as usual choosing a favorite person and defending her when she shouldn’t be defended. I listened to a recording of them and she did seem the aggressive

I love the mythology and setting.

Fighting it hard? That’s ridiculous. They tried and failed to get it dismissed last week. Just as Amber tried and failed to get her own lawsuit against her dismissed several times. Also half her lawyers dropped her last month. One of them being Roberta Kaplan from timesup. I think they wouldve stayed if they could

I mean, the chosen one trope is a trope we’ve had for thousands of years and is part of almost every mythology on Earth, including the two biggest religions on Earth right now, so yeah, I think it’ll survive without much trouble. The idea of a single person being chosen by some higher power to accomplish a great feat

There are other articles that have quotes where he is trying to sound like a tragic victim of a manipulative gold digger but just comes off like a narcissistic fool. WHY would he do this to himself??

yes and she does have a history of abuse.

There are literally recordings of her admitting she made it up.

‘I was hitting you, it was not punching you,’ Amber says to Johnny. ‘Babe, you’re not punched.’ Then, exasperated: ‘You are such a baby. Grow the fuck up Johnny…I did not hurt you, I did not punch you, I was hitting you.’