
Field hockey! Played on grass or field turf. Actually an Olympic sport for both men and women. Each tournament will have 12 countries in Tokyo but the US didn’t qualify.

Wait...there are straight vampires? I always assumed pretty much every one since Dracula was bi?

Oh lord I cannot wait for The Discourse about the actors’ pronouns being included in this announcement.

“The scene where the puppies use the box-cutter and salt on the kid would have definitely got us the hard R rating, glad we cut that out of the final product.”

If, though, there’s a Cruella sequel in which John Wick shows up to avenge the puppies, count me in.

“Boss, you know how people like puppies? Like, pretty much universally? Well, we want to put a 2021 spin on that...

This was a pretty fucking stupid idea for a movie.

That’s just what Big Paleontology wants you to believe.

To paraphrase an asshole, “There are very bad people on both sides.”

Also, the Palestinian population has increased something like 400% under Israeli control and has increased in virtually every metric of standard of living. You’d think a people whose entire worldwide population was reduced by a third in 5 years would be better at this if they were actually trying.

Technically, what happened in Sabra and Shatila was that the Israelis did nothing to prevent (and a little to facilitate) genocidal acts by Lebanese Christian militias against the Muslim Palestinians in the Sabra and Shatila refugee camps. The situation is more nuanced than “Israel has committed genocide before and is

That’s what frustrates me. Both sides of the debate want to turn the conflict into good guys vs. bad guys and act like their side is flawless. 

Maybe, just maybe, Hamas should have not fired missiles into Israel if they didn’t want Israel to retaliate, as they are wont to do from time to time....

They really do think teaching historical facts and social/economic statistics is the “single most divisive threat.” Meanwhile their GOP is trying to discredit our entire system of democracy so they can attain one-party-rule. Which ironically is the system of every Marxist country.

Continuing to responsibly pay taxes on property he never visited somehow seems very German, too.

Thanks to all these selfish, anti-science assholes, we will be lucky to reach 70% vaccination rate.

You seem exceedingly sweaty about women showing their ankles.

Predator vs. Farrow would be more apt.

Joe Rogan is Goop for men.

In my experience of Reddit, Joe Rogan is definitely in the top 5 men MRAs and incels tell other men to listen to....