
This woman probably spent her whole life being fed the idea that she was his daughter. It was probably a big part of her identity and I imagine this feels like loosing a parent in a way. Plus now she has no idea who her dad is. I don’t wonder that she was not it the mood to immediately speak to the public. I feel

I’m not sure avoiding the topic all together and making small talk is the best bet. Having to guess where someone’s head is at so you can try to behave in the most useful manner is really stressful. Not that you need to or should go about proclaimingvyour feelings loudly but a self referential joke every now amd then

Oh good idea. To the record player...

Seriously? You have a problem with unions yet you think a state government should take action to lower the cost of living? That seems contradictory to me.

I see now. You first. Everyone else last. I really hope we dont live anywhere near eachother.

17$/hr is not a living wage in california. Have a nice day sir.

But you have a vote in a union. You can campaign and rally other people to your view and have the union do what you want. If you want some leeway in employment terms and compensation you can literaly have the union fight for that position. You make it sound like the union is some monolith dictatorial tyrant in the

Stock options are great when they are an extra but if you are only making 40k a year pre tax you dont have time to wait and fiddle with vesting. Being able to cash out in 5 yrs doesnt buy groceries today.Musk is super rich i wouldnt expect him to get that. But a lot of the rest of us can relate.

If employers are giving their workers a fair wage and working conditions then a union should be no threat. Unions only need to be confrontational when emplyers arent doing those things. Think of unions as a saftey net. If nothing goes wrong you dont even know its there. When mgmt starts talking about how nice they

When it’s main stream acceptable for movies to use men being raped I’ll probably be less offended when women are used that way. But since men having other men shove their dicks or some other object into an orifice without consent isn’t really a common movie plot device, I’m going to still call sexism. You would have

My theory is that tgi Friday gave money to Nick Denton to try and become relevant to a particular demographic.

Exactly. I’m watching this saying...oh cool its dragon con...and more dragon con...oh look at the carpets, the elevators...OK still they mention DC in the article or video...nope. Sigh.

If someone wants to pay 50k a yr to support me, I will be happy to talk to them once a week and trade emjois

You sound like a nasty person with mommy issues.

If you feel homophobia and bigotry are simply distasteful then you are screwed up in the head.

And if you just take your kids quietly and go...fine. by if you use your exit as a chance to educate me on the awfulness of my existence...then expect a response. Or are minorities expected to be quiet and polite and just take it when people treat them horribly?

A bit of a snobby bitch? She comes across as a screaming bigot.....I think your personal view is seriously in her favor if you don’t pick up on that rift away. She says I don’t want you around my kids cuz I’m Christian and ur gay...everything he sas is a response to that point, nothing tangential. And he doesn’t give

I did not see petty or knee jerk in his response. I’m not going to nominate him for a speech writing job or anything, but I saw him say...yeah, I don’t like your kind of people either and am glad you wont be inflicting your messed up ideals on us...if you want to be in the theater you probe should get used to

Polite and decent would have been withdrawing her kids with out calling his lifestyle indecent and corrupting. Like, “oops have got to withdraw the kids, any chance a refund?” Not taking the time to say, I’m shocked to find out that you are gay and that horrifiedme...if she had been less self righteous about it she