
Yup thus I said (trans excepted). But of with your lack of reading, that would just mean that there are literally no roles that are tied to one gender or another, so you are endorsing my point that feminism, I.e no gender based restriction on our social/professional roles is a movement that applies to men as well.

Hi. Feminists are not the marginalized group. Women are. And male femisists are not trying to be women. (Trans exception).

No. They can be feminist, since feminism is for equalizing oportunity and gender roles, and men have a gender. It's feminism when i exercise my right to wear pants or initiate a request for sex and its feminism when a guy cries after his dad dies and a little boy wants to learn how to sew clothes. Its feminism if a

Napster. They also cared about napster.

There are well established limits on the first amendment. Rape and death threats are not allowed.

You nasty hate filled person. Get bent.

Ok well. First. They are animate. That's the point of video. Second. Here's a still of another animate image that was once a popular way of entertaining fans. And its clearly an unacceptable. Why? Because though its clearly not "real" it tells how a group of people were perceived, which of their traits were

Because sexualization is something that is done to some one, often without their consent. It ties into objectification, in which some ones value lies only in their use in providing sexual satisfaction or titilation for the viewer. The feelings/perspective of the one being sexualized are irrelevant. Contrast this

Meditate on sexuality vs. Sexual vs. Sexualized. Hint. Sexualized is no it empowering, sexual possibly can be.

Well they do. Shrug.

Then you dont understand the rigor it takes to "prove" a theory.

Ive seen this guy around saying the same thing, i think to me once, and I have had essentially the same reaction. I think he's talking about this ONE article from this ONE guy who said under a certain age women shouldn't wear bras so they will develop "lift". I'm not even sure he was advocating it for women of all

No one real person is being objectified, but a group of people, women, are. And women are real.

So efing sick of well meaning relatives who convince loved ones with cancer to take "herbals" because their naturopath said it would help, and its "not a chemical" and its "natural" so it "couldnt hurt". Mmmmmmmmm. If you take 10,000 x the RDA of vitamin D, for months/years, it's going to hurt your liver. If you