
Bad logic. Live only lets me play games online and I pay it month by month. Plus is like buying 12 games that I can download across a year for the price of 1 title. All in one year! And I get to play games online. If I don't like it, I don't need to down it, and if I need more space, it's not too hard to upgrade my HD.


Yes, we do need some way to maintain age-appropriateness (especially since we can't quite trust parents to be good parents 24/7 on a busy life). I just wish Fox wouldn't use that as some springboard to launch a war against gaming.

I think it's interesting how the VGA's kind of became something like the "Gaming Press Awards" since the advisory panel was largely from the gaming press. Which is not a bad thing - the games industry really might need something like a "critic's choice awards" where only the press votes in. It might also be where

Quick answer: because Sony paid for all the dev. There was no way it was gonna go anywhere but on the PS3.


I got a PS3 solely because of the exclusives it had that Xbox wouldn't. Xbox gets Halo, Gears, and Forza. That's it (and no, Kinect doesn't attract me). As for DLC, it's not a big deal for me (not a fan of it), so I don't mind.

Whether or not it's too much, the point is it has to stop. And people need to man up.

The idea of being a noob caught in out of his/her depth and "learning on the job" would actually be a cool game to play! The characterization would have to be consistent though. I already visualize moments like, after he shot up a room, he'd throw up or something.

It's one of the better systems. Once you find that "sweet spot" where the locks get to be broken, it becomes a "Mash that button real fast!" game. It's quite satisfying, even if it's a very crude method, both as a lock picker, and possibly as a controller set-up.

When you consider that some video games make more money than movies, you MUST take them seriously. You must remember that our fun games can be as different as "The Godfather" or "Schindler's List" is different from "Star Wars Episode 1".

Amen to Snakeeater. The world of video games can do without you and your insistence that games have to have obvious, "durh-I-get-behind-this-because-it's-easy" decisions.

Yeah, it really happens. Somebody said it had to do with the proprietary tech Sony insists on using, making launch-to-mid-term games more difficult to churn out.

This is flame bait for passionate fans and a marketing ploy for you (and everyone else) to buy a game you haven't bought yet. I will not be drawn into such discussion no matter how I feel they missed out on Journey.

Poor you. You'll wait forever. Nobody's gonna change that ending, and the world is better for it.

The logic you say is not sound. "Play" and "playing with it" is not practical.

I think something like this is a very good thing. Whether you see it from an artistic standpoint, from a company's need to improve the bottom line, or from a player who wants to do something fun - clearing away things that alienate people from trying the game improves gaming as a whole. You can call it political

People like you who don't think through what you say are what's wrong with the Internet.

Why are you such a dick?

Because if everybody else is doing their jobs right they wouldn't have to.