
100% of the time the experience when purchasing a car was poor. Not a generalization for me.

Car dealers are shitheads. I live near the Tesla store. I see Tesla cars everywhere. I wish I could bypass the stealership when buying any new car.

Is the headdress included or optional?

I hope someone puts that sumbitch in the wall

Replace NASCRAP with V8SC

Think of how much you would have been paid if you had a 430 or 458....

Why can't AM get an exemption? There are plenty of shitty kit cars that wouldn't perform well in a collision. It's not like AM sells that many cars in America. ( Although I really really want one)

He should be sitting out on a cold hard aluminum bench in a jail cell.

Cheers to you for working on it. I do as much work as I can on my cars. Don't understand why others can't, then they bitch about the price

so you didn't see him run a man over? if he was truly trying to avoid hitting the other driver he would have turned the steering wheel left and applied THE BRAKES. I'm not emotional about it. stewart was and the result is that the other driver died. The other driver should have stayed in his car. but stewart was

it looks like he did intentionally try to scare him and instead hit and killed him. if he didn't want to hit him at all he should have steered far away from the other driver/pedestrian. if someone is dumb enough to be walking on a racetrack while racecars are in motion, just about any driver is smart enough to stay

could stewart have avoided it? yes. you cannot dispute that fact.

it appears that prick stewart gunned it when he saw the other driver pointing at him. he gunned to show how big his balls are and ended up running over the other man and killing him. bastard should be in jail. No matter what the circumstance, if another driver is walking on the track (stupidly in this case) cars

Stewart is a hothead and has been a world class prick his entire career. Son of a bitch should be off the track and in jail. I watched the video. Sounds like he gunned it right before he ran the other driver over.

Fucking communists in CA.

or the guys who buy the could be MEN and change their own oil...although that might dirty their manicure. $1300 for brake pads? are they fucking kidding? for a 348?

ha new ones blow up not 2010s!

Good luck with the ignition recall. MA - you a Masshole?

jan 2011. mine was a new 2010 on the lot. 43,ooo sticker. awesome deal