
This game was aired on network TV so there were tons of “newbie” fans watching (probably in horror) at the shenanigans. Most don’t realize that paybacks are made, sometimes years down the road, rather than in that same game. And, it was amusing to read all the Twitter uproar (dirty, disgusting, throw the bum out —

Again, as a squirts, peewee, and bantam referee, I have had to break up scrums among 10-year-old kids and not because they are imitating the pros, but because hockey is a game of constant aggravation, tiny whacks (meant or not) to the exact spot where there’s no padding, fantastic amounts of trash talk, and just the

As a Pens fan, it’s maddening to see the Crosby takes. Either he’s a bitch who flops, or a “dirty” player when he starts to give it back. Certainly didn’t get praised for standing around in the ECF getting slashed at the Ottawa bench, followed by water being squirted into his gloves.

Anyway, the water bottle incident

It’s hockey. Everyone has it coming.

Given that she made that comment about “unnecessary violence,” I don’t think she has watched too many hockey games.

Exactly. I get that we want to take head injuries out of sports as much as possible but seriously.. this is nothing. Two of the best players in the game going at it, they both get their shots in. I’ll take that treatment over a two hander right on the wrist any day.

Yes, they are. No, seriously: they are.

Brain damage? From THAT? HA!

If this is your definition of a punch, then WAY worse than this is going on. As someone who played offensive line at the collegiate level - people will “get up” using various part of your body for leverage. You’re LUCKY if it’s just your helmeted head and not, say, your knee or ankle or junk. Fingers make a nice

Worse than this goes on at the line of scrimmage on literally every single down in football. And I shudder to think what your take on raking in rugby would be. Contact sports involve contact, sometimes even a bit of excessive contact. I love you, Deadspin, but this is absolutely nothing.

How is that an issue? Whether or not anyone deserves their head to be rubbed on the ice a bit, PK and Sid have been at each other all series, this was a somewhat extended take by Sid but there was nothing particularly heinous about the event. Hacks get exchanged, faces get rubbed, and at some point a head gets held to

Those moments have come as a private school

You can always tell the uptight pricks when they start complaining about Subban’s “attention seeking behavior” or some such nonsense. God forbid a likable superstar provide us with some harmless entertainment while clearly having a small joke, all while not breaking omerta about what’s actually said on the ice.

BB’s come from the home team 99% of the time. Just wear visitor’s uniform.

Right. Some 16year old who works for the Mets is going to intentionally make the Met 3b man drop a foul ball. Perhaphs he’s always dreamed of having a red-ass like Terry Collins beat him with his stool.

Plus/minus is a garbage stat. I thought everyone acknowledged this 5 years ago.

It’s almost like other teams are forced to game plan around him and match up there best defenders on him, allowing the Pens other players to reap the benefits

+/- is a worthless stat.

It also should be mentioned that a huge portion of the city works for the federal government. Public servants are discouraged from taking game tickets as gifts from clients and naturally it’s policy that tax dollars aren’t spent on season tickets to be given out to employees as is customary in private companies. This

I live 15 minutes away in the Beach Cities and laugh everytime they position this as some unforeseen act of God — as if El Nino himself went down there and filled their massive hole. Allow me to put my construction manager hat on and get technical for a minute — they dug a large hole just as the rainy season began,