
ohhhh. You’re one of those people who want someone with no connections, no experience, no clue, no plan, no idea, and nothing but “grrr. angry! I don’t know nothin’! SAD” as our POTUS.
Well, luckily there is an orange-colored man who has those qualifications and will be on the ballot apparently.

Just stop. You clearly don’t care about chronology, evolution of language, understanding history in context, or anything more complex than memes. Take your 18-yr old know it all ass home and dig into the actual historical documents yourself. Stop being spoonfed shit by Karl Rove (do you even know who he is?) that is

Huh. She most certainly was referring to the same phenomenon. Are you suggesting that only black people dealt drugs and were in gangs in 1996? what a fucking racist you are. JFC. There are white people who, gasp, even now deal drugs and were in gangs. At the height of the violent crime epidemic in the country, even

And let’s just be clear about what her use of “super predator” shows. It shows she was reading commentary from sociologists and trying to understand the point in time at which she was because it is much more difficult to know where things are heading when you are in the moment than it is to understand it with

Since you can’t use google...
“And make no mistake. While the trouble will be greatest in black inner-city neighborhoods, other places are also certain to have burgeoning youth-crime problems that will spill over into upscale central-city districts, inner-ring suburbs, and even the rural heartland. To under-score this

Bernie is a total armchair coach (he doesn’t even get the “quarterback” moniker b/c his MO is to sit back and yell, not do). He can never be wrong b/c he never has to take a hard position. Or one that matters.

Exactly. And Obama won because he is the better candidate and proved himself. Bernie proved himself a fool as he continues to do by overplaying his hand, being Mr. Temper Tantrum, and being the screaming old man who time forgot.

You do realize that at the time she used “super predator” it had been used once about a month and a half earlier in an article that referred to white and hispanic youths ALSO as super predators in some situations. It was not a racially tinged word until later. But of course you don’t because you can’t get that history

I am a pretty goddamn liberal progressive person and I didn’t vote for Bernie because he lacks the ability to work with people to make progress. You can have all the goddamn fairy tales and unicorn jizz fests you want...progress happens by compromise and hard work.

If you don’t give a shit enough about the country to vote to make sure Trump isn’t president, if that isn’t in your heart and your soul, you really think some random from the internet being mean is the problem? REALLY????

Ok. (1) this notion of rigging is just whitey white white people’s privileged temper tantrum that they might not be able to know what everyone in the world wants. She won by every metric and it isn’t because in May there were emails. Go jerk off to some other fantasy.
(2) the job of the DNC is to position the strongest

Your lack of reading comprehension and your desire to set up straw man arguments (but you fail because you can’t even figure out your point) demonstrates the worst of the internet comment world.


Yeah. I really want the DNC to sit around doing fuck all until a newcomer shows up to announce he has a master plan. Which was apparently what these idiots wanted.


And I’m sure they will assume that is the “establishment” “rigging” the court system to actually require a lawsuit to state a claim for which relief can be granted.

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

There is also a cap on overtime pay that USSS can receive (which really sucks for them in election years when they are all working crazy hours). So, basically, some of them (maybe all) are working for free or soon will be. I don’t know if that is better or worse than the taxpayers footing the bill...since it really

1 year ago tomorrow, she gave her 1000 cracks in the glass ceiling speech and endorsed Obama

He’s an entitled dickhead

This is not an issue that should be simplified into “awful” and categorical statements. Really. It should not be. Let’s look into countries that have legalized prostitution and regulate it. Oh, wait, there are still trafficking problems! http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/why-amsterdams…

Does that mean they are wrong? I don’t