
I'm not saying the dude's not an asshole and shouldn't be punished

• Baltimore fans:

These fucking idiots are ALL awful. Fuck Peter King, fuck the NFL, fuck Roger Gooddell, fuck the Ravens, fuck Rice's lawyer, fuck Steve Smith, fuck Schefter, fuck Harbaugh, fuck everyone who defended Ray Rice and/or tried to pin some of the blame on Janay, and most of all, fuck Ray Motherfucking Rice.

chupacabra69 is ominously missing from this list. I'd expect better, titz69.

I suggest you put your fandom aside for a few moments, and study the subject objectively. As an athletic department and an institution, they covered up criminal misconduct by an employee and whitewashed by most everyone else involved. They should suffer lesser consequences than kids who sell their NCAA playoff tickets

Not sure if it's a quart bottle, but it's about twice as big as a regular beer bottle, anyway I'm not going to get a graduated cylinder out and measure the friggin' thing, but: Switchback is a pretty excellent beer that only comes in a big bottle (or on tap).

Use a champagne stopper to seal the bottle back up. You don't need anything fancy. A simple one like this suffices.

It's refreshing to see someone light themselves on fire while simultaneously carrying water.

Unfortunately for Rice, he couldn't use the greatest lesson from Ray Lewis: make your friends take the fall.

Somewhere in hell, Al Davis rubs his hands together and cackles.

Ravens: We have cut Rice!

This very well may go down in the anals of history.

I heard they are colon in the cops...

What is the school doing to rectumfy the situation?

When a lease is done you have nothing to show for it, when you're done with a car loan you have a physical object that you possess.

Leasing a car.

I don't see any reason to bring Netanyahu into this.

Now that you mention it I can totally see the comparison.

When is the NFL going to address the reprehensible amount of bromestic violence running rampant among its players?

Can we call Tom Brady the Tom Cruise of the NFL now?