Please, in what world is an anal wart, albeit finely coiffed, pure?
Please, in what world is an anal wart, albeit finely coiffed, pure?
Kenny was sent flying to avenge the purloined chips. Earlier, orange dust was shown on Kenny’s mouse, and then there was the carelessly discarded empty snack bag.
“...they’re very smart, genius level, the germs...”
Incorrect comment.
Phil accidentally disappears Manny forever, and nobody notices...
Lovely Rita can still get it, very much, thank you.
Is Walter White of Irish ancestry?
“Jinx! You owe him some coke!”
“There are good people on both sides of the murderer/victim thing.”
Money laundering?
Fuck capitalism even more.
Rico B did not write the above. It’s from “rchrd caliente.” Not me.
If refugee children are considered to be human, then separating them from their parents and putting them in cages is literally a crime against humanity.
Mr. Nancy’s scene on the slave ship (S1 Ep2) is some of the best television ever.
Sacked deez nuts...
Yeah, good old Murka usa #1! Where the bloodiest of war criminals live like kings, and children live in cages.
Is the coprolite available?
“It feels like aliens poking at my body.”
“It feels like aliens poking at my body.”