
By that logic, you could fry one sunny-side up or maybe over easy if you’re really after that firm, bouncy white.

The point is that no amount of “this is too hard so I’ll do something else instead” will turn a soft-boiled egg into a poached one. It is not a substitution.

No way man... You enjoy Your weekend

Hey, they weren’t ALL beating the shit out of him! Some of them were just standing by silently watching it happen!

You can hear, “Shut up, you fucker,” “Get your fucking Taser, Bobby,” and “stop resisting” all yelled as punch after punch lands on Daniel T. Adelman of Ravenna, Ohio.

Comeon guys, it’s only a few bad cops! Most aren’t like this! It’s not like we see this shit every day.

Covering your head as blows are raining down upon you = resisting arrest

The sad part, is that people will be thankful that the police shots on an unarmed person were limited to their fists.

The right thing to do is what you did..............

(Also, I snapped a picture of the sign in sheet with their names, looked up their supervisor, and emailed her with my concerns about her employees’ behavior. She was not pleased. I hope she does something about it.)

You got money. So you do not have to take a settlement with the conditions of nondisclosure. Disclose everything bring all the lies and deceipt to light. Expose them.

Yeah man, I think just about anyone who has lived any decent period of time in Vegas has stories about Metro. Shit i remember one time when they stopped this Jamaican guy i knew outside the corner store i worked at. He had a gun, Nevada being an open carry state. Two three cop cars, pointing their guns at him all

Every black person in america has a negative cop story, or 8. We all have an experience worth telling. Mr Bennett is suing for all of us who’ve been abused, humiliated, assaulted, injured, murdered- all of it.

Brotha doesn’t need my dollars but where do I donate to his legal fund?

Throw ALL the money at this and your lawyers and sue them into the ground. Finally, someone with the time and resources to hit them where they care about; their pocket.

I am so glad he’s not going to let this go.

It really does not make any difference if the camera is on or off cops will get away 28th murder. Just look at today’s verdict in St. Louis, the video shows cop handle bag and the gun has only his DNA. Black man dead. He goes on vacation to figure out his next kill. FTP

Should be a law that if a cop’s body camera is off and something like this happens then everyone must assume that anything the cop says is a lie.

Thank you Michael Bennett. Thank you for standing up. Thank you for sharing your vulnerability. Thank you for staying alive.

So glad he’s doing this. This one is for everyone without the means who Metro have abused.