Holy shit. The nerve of this woman
Holy shit. The nerve of this woman
If there’s not an on-board drugstore where I can buy “CONDOMS, ROSE! CONDOMS! CONDOMS! CONDOMS!” this isn’t a real GG cruise.
You weren’t kidding about Miranda Lambert. I was definitely surprised to see she married a cop and not the musician she was touring with last year.
In addition to the restitution to FEMA, I hope she’s ordered to pay a fine to the charity of Michelle Obama’s choice.
He also forgot to explain why there are pictures of busses with this article. Apparently, the guy attacked the elderly gentleman at a bus stop.
I love his travel shows, guidebooks, and his app. The walking tours are always a great way to orient yourself in the main drag of a new city.
I feel like I’m missing something in that Miranda Lambert story. She got into an argument with a man but walked over to his wife to assault her?
Not big enough
It’s got to be a deliberate “f**k you” at this point.
But I’ve been told that it’s totally ok to claim distant Cherokee indian blood just so long as you don’t see “professional advantage” from it. So I guess that’s ok for them to say, right?
99% of defendants enter a not guilty plea at arraignment, particularly cases that went through the grand jury process, because discovery hasn’t begun yet. No competent defense attorney would let their client plead guilty at the arraignment without reviewing all the evidence the State has and entering serious plea…
I’d rather see the mascots dance to Single Ladies tbh.
I don’t have any argument with this list, mainly because I think a successful logo is one where you quickly recognize where the game will be played and/or incorporates well-known visuals from the game of football (but not necessarily the Lombardi trophy).
Nicholas Hoult (was he even in a movie this year???)
Would that be enough, though? If they are in the same store with an immunity compromised person, can they make that person ill too?
I am genuinely shocked to see Baldwin’s guilty plea. I didn’t even know white men were allowed to take responsibility for their actions anymore.
Never mind. Looks like several other people already responded.
The local news said that his 2nd wife filed for divorce a couple of months before the victim gave birth. He apparently has two children with his first wife.