I have a little bit of experience with this stuff as an IP lawyer who lived and worked in West LA at the time. If anyone thinks this story makes Brosnan look bad, that’s likely the result of not understanding how this stuff works.
I have a little bit of experience with this stuff as an IP lawyer who lived and worked in West LA at the time. If anyone thinks this story makes Brosnan look bad, that’s likely the result of not understanding how this stuff works.
You are free to stay at home as long as you want. After this COVID clears it will probably be flu season. And after that probably some other sickness. Nature has never been kind to any living thing and its not going to start now because you are hiding in your house. Death is around every corner every minute of every…
Over the holidays I had a BMW 530 as a rental. Second day driving it, I glanced at the numbers in the HUD after merging onto the highway and was at 112. And I wasn’t even really getting on it...just had the accelerator may 3/4ths of the way down. The thing was smooth as butter, and even in sport mode, was mostly quiet.
gas price = crude oil price + production cost + transportation + taxes + gas station profit + other things I’m forgetting. Only one of those is priced at or below the level of the 1980's
Tears For Lower-Tiered Startups
Gas stations are independently tested by state departments, and if found to be selling the wrong fuel or mislabeling what they are selling they will be put out of business. Same goes for pumps not being accurate. Most pumps should have a sticker on them saying when they were last inspected. In addition to fines and…
Below I pencil-whip this with some readily available nice round numbers. I think Leonard Cohen tl;dr’d the situation: it goes like this, the fourth, the fifth...
A guy is out jogging at the park and sees an elderly fellow sitting on a bench crying. Feeling some pity for the old man, he stops and asks, “What’s the matter?”
The 80 year old banker goes to see his Dr. for his second physical in two months. The Dr. askes him why. He explains he fixing to marry a 20 year old. The Dr. tells him he needs to hire a gardener thinking the old man might need some help to keep his young wife happy. Six months later the Dr. see the old banker and…
A 99 year old man goes to the doctor saying “Doc, you gotta help me. My 27 year old supermodel wife is pregnant, what am I going to do?”
You’re an ICU nurse? Today, the question isn’t what car you should buy, it’s what car we should buy for you.
I’m a year and a half sober, and this is very trying...at least I’m still working. While I’m working I get to provide IT services to a wife that is telecommuting and a pair of surly teenagers as well, that all seem to have issues that I’ve never caused/experienced in 30 years of playing with computers.
I’m not the target market but I’d much rather have an i8 than the 8 series (except maybe the M)...
It’s obvious why it’s a dud. It’s boring for a flagship.
My favorite NYC Town Car memory was on the way to JFK during UN week. A small motorcade (lead cop car and two Town Cars with ‘VIPs’) comes up behind us on the Van Wyck. As they pass, my driver jumps in line behind them. I was actually surprised no other Town Cars jumped into the motorcade.
She was just looking for new opportunities to mention she went to Stanford.
My child arrived, just the other day