rb1971 TaycanTurboS+Bronco+E9+Jolly+Ducati

Motorcycling does not work for mass transportation in America because of the polarizing nature of our culture and how much ego we have. In America we have lots of free choice but also lots of idiots out there who desire nothing more than to kick you in the nuts you for the choice you have made because they don’t agree

Eliminating the fear that you will be murdered to death by an F-150 or Range Rover

Good thing they added the frown face after mentioning it was founded by Nazis. This gives me a headache. I’m going to go take a Bayer aspirin.

Rumors about VW service department managers having sealed orders to shoot Bentley Continental owners on sight are just rumors. (Car companies have Redeker Plans too.)

Report run date: September 26, 2015 15:25:43 EDT

Anyone else think this thing would print money in America? I do.

Probably trying to avoid any further FTC violations if that organization decides to join the bear pile.


Yet in an age where seemingly anything with a microprocessor seems vulnerable to hacking, electronic and cycber attack, the Iowa Class represents the ultimate in analogue naval firepower.

By today’s standards this is a lot of visible engine.

I found a beautiful lawn here for you to tell kids to get off.

How pathetic do you have to be to pull something like this ?

“...the solution is to get the law changed. Not break the law because you don’t agree with it.”

...the solution is to get the law changed. Not break the law because you don’t agree with it.

If we could just have a Sandbox adventure game of Back to the Future, that time travels throughout history seamlessly or at least with short load times between the eras...