rb1971 TaycanTurboS+Bronco+E9+Jolly+Ducati
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I don’t think the “only an idiot...” sign is severe enough for this one.

Sorry to hear that. My fiancée earns what is hers. And I earn what's mine. We pool our funds for community property (house), and we discuss finances and purchases, but even in marriage we are independent people. I'd be happy to buy her something more exotic, but she doesn't want it. So I encouraged her to find the car

Their dealer network is the biggest obstacle for me. I walked into a dealership a few weeks after the new CTS-V reveal and asked if I could get on a list. The guy says, “The CTS-V? They stopped making it a couple months ago. And even then, we never had any on the lot, they were made-to-order.” I explained, “No, I mean

Herr Piech this morning.

Exactly. Nothing of value was lost.

Fwiw, I have mutual friends on facebook with the owners of the car so I have seen some of the back and forth about this prior to it going public. The owners of the car were demanding a refund from the dealership or they were going to make the video public. Kind of disgusting behavior IMO.

Also awesome from the video - it sounds like the “put your seat belt on” bell is ringing the entire time.

wait, how can you type if you can't read?


What could those people in Humboldt County possibly be smoking?!

The answer is always T-65. Might want to get it resprayed though... That Tattoine Sand color is hideous.

Never before have I agreed more with an article in Kotaku, ever. Black Flag was that prodigal game that took over our minds, enchanted us to oblivion and back, and then left us wondering if the experience was just a dream or we had really experienced it. It was almost like the feeling a Bethesda game would achieve,

annoy every person who could possibly help you get into the auto industry, and don’t stop until you’re hired

This is exactly why I write for Jalopnik. Because it was probably cheaper to hire me than file a restraining order.

I’ll throw in a dark horse, The Hudson Hornet. Between 1951-1953, Hudson drivers won a combined 108 races. It had the lowest center of gravity of any stock car at the time and forced Ford and GM to really step up their game.

Ahem. Won over 1000 races, occaisionally 14 a week.

Porsche 917.

Newman's pwn?

No love for this German lad for penetrating the tightest AD in the world