Razz Matazz

As the internet is wont to do, both "sides" (if that's even what we're calling them) suffered from being turned into strawmen. People who made well reasoned observations that this particular rape "joke" was more a product of impulse than an actual joke, wasn't really that funny, and could be said to be in poor taste

I may have just jizzed my pants a little bit. That was ludicrously beautiful, Todd. Thank. You.

I may have just jizzed my pants a little bit. That was ludicrously beautiful, Todd. Thank. You.

I read Fun Home for the first time for, of all things, a grad class on "passing." That thing is a work of art, visually and textually.

I read Fun Home for the first time for, of all things, a grad class on "passing." That thing is a work of art, visually and textually.

I'm curious how you interact with humans on a day to day basis if Lena Dunham is your concept of end of the line ugly

I'm curious how you interact with humans on a day to day basis if Lena Dunham is your concept of end of the line ugly

@dromiceiomimusjr:disqus  THE EYE! What the hell is that?! Every time I look at Phi's eye all I can think about is Alexis saying how Raja's slightly wonky eye (during the PSA) was "freaking me the hell out."

I'd probably be able to buy into Rachel/Kurt if I wasn't vaguely irritated that Mercedes/Kurt's friendship went into a corner and died with no fanfare. Then again, they can't write Mercedes for shit, so I guess it's not that different from the norm.

It's okay. I actually think the first three seasons are fairly enjoyable, especially season 2, and even parts of Season 4 were a good way to waste an hour. Then it got pretty damn unwatchable. I think as long as you go into it accepting that it's often wildly inconsistent in quality—with characters often rehashing the