Im Tavid Dracy, and I have to talk about my FCAs no matter what
Im Tavid Dracy, and I have to talk about my FCAs no matter what
jalopnik: waits till youtuber basically writes article for them
how can you say something so controversial yet so brave?
this article sucks
the camo is obviously melting your brain
no stick, no dick
is this really your best commentary on the world cup?
i grew up in a mexican household and puto was thrown around so that i didnt know what it meant until i was an adult. History has shown that many words can change meaning so why not this one which is used more as a taunt. You are correct, there are other terms generally used but ive never heard a gay person called…
who are these shmucks? the only opinion on this you need is from Dunkey
*designer the term is *designer
yea comments section, just rip on the typo (that has been immediately fixed) on the title and not the read article
youre not cool, david tracy
Even with awards, Del Toro is so underrated. The guy is top tier. Fight me
yea cuz f**k um, there are too many terrible drivers out to not call them out
this is trash
cool story bro
Michigan definitely needs some emissions standards by the look of this
what it really gets wrong is the guy that says hes from Detriot and reps it hard but is really from the burbs.