Chilly T

I want to know what happened to all of the Islamophobia that was going on and all of the hate for Muslims that was coming from Trump, the Republiturds in congress and Trump supporters now that saudi arabia has $8 billion dollars to spend with us.?????

The fuck you been inhaling? That’s how you took that? People who are now offering help never even knew this person before this and so now their intent is to shame the woman? And you don’t know who the fuck has helped anybody before now! But I see you’re doing what you can to help with your idiotic ass comment!        

ANYTHING involving the drumps, I mean Trumps, I wouldn’t hold my breath over. This bullshit might have been staged just for some attention or more distractions. Nothing they do or are involved in has any credibility. 

“We will definitely make sure Iran doesn’t get a nuclear weapon”! Fucking idiot. That was already in place until he withdrew from it. Again, starting another fire and then acting like he’s going to be the hero and put it out. Fucking idiot.

“The hatred for this president is so intense”! I mean, what the fuck does tell these assholes? We have a president, who after TWO years, is hated more than ever! Who in their right fucking mind would look forward to reelection and 4 more years of being hated?

Must have been time for Roger to suck up some of the air.

Looks like nobody from NBC watched that sorry ass interview that ABC did. 

Just like people play the “race” card, White people have now run to the “mental health” card to try to use in court. What’s ironic about that is since I can remember, way back in the 70's, some relevant Black activists were trying to point out the insanity of White people, and nobody paid them any mind, and now, in

NONE of these motherfuckers thirsty for war are going to have to pick up a weapon and go out and fight it! 

It must be nice to be able to sit back and tell viewers what the president should and shouldn’t do as far as war goes when you’re not the motherfucker that’s going to have to carry it out. 

Anybody from the 70's, like me, still believe that bullshit we were told about America’s “bright” future? 

Watch. This is where the rules will get bent again! We’ll end up hearing some kind of technical bullshit for these sorry motherfuckers!

FUCK CHUCK! Boy, he wanted to be one of the first to show the Jewish community that he has their best interest at heart, thinking that “concentration camps” were the trigger words to come to their defense, which he was dead ass wrong and sounded misinformed as hell! Republiturds on the other hand are fucking

With EVERYTHING you claim they admitted to, for some goddamn reason WHILE they were pointing fingers at each OTHER, NONE of the five brought up Reyes’ name! How dat work? They ALL gave him a pass? They all tried to protect HIM?  Fairstein claimed that they all ran together. They were all scared of him? They all came

Another Republiturd looking for some attention. This shit is getting tiresome. 

Did Candace Owens open her mouth yet? She was with Turning Point USA with all kinds of comments and ideas for Black people. What about this? 

Why the fuck don’t they just put a “Whites only” sign on the front of the store? 

I’ve been saying it for the longest, that this is White people’s insanity. The rest of us are just the collateral damage that piles up, under the guise of “American politics”, which allows us and expects us to get “involved” and therefore overlook and dismiss the insanity of it all. 

Damn, I seem to remember Trump not having that attitude when the Steele Dossier first came out. He and that state run tv FOX news were screaming high hell and trying to fuck up the Mueller investigation with it. He knows his base is full of mentally deficient people and they’ve probably forgotten about that so now he

Expert my ass! I guess if he had a crown on his head and a burger in his hand he would be Burger King! And it seems more and more like law enforcement develops the symptoms that cause them to shoot when they engage POC, compared to White people. I mean, recently we’ve had White people committing mass shootings and law