
I agree with you; when you become a cop, I think by definition you accept that you have a dangerous job. You don’t have the right to eliminate all risk by killing everyone who scares you. And you should have some obligation to attempt less than lethal measures. The cops in the UK don’t even carry guns, and they

Disclaimer: No brain cells were harmed in this video

Great flip. Excellent flexibility. Good poise. Shame he didn’t stick the landing.

Yeah I don’t get it either. It’s an ok game but all the grinding gets really boring after a while.

This is the funniest shit I’ve seen all year.

Exactly. ‘Wages are so low because of government intervention, and if government would deregulate everything, businesses would give everyone raises.’

This gif will never get old

Except that a Hulk with the munchies would probably end up being devastating to the snack industry.

Your problem has nothing to do with what I said, you can buy games digitally on any console these days.

This better be free, otherwise it’s basically stealing from anyone who buys it /=

I’m sorry that everyone seems to be having a hard time understanding what you’re saying.

Well.... I mean..... The kid shouldn’t have been there....

Not to beat on someone that’s already down, but WTF. The rider was an idiot. Don’t do illegal shit will riding illegally.

it’s so fucking good. not just because it’s ZoE cosplay, but because it’s so incredibly well done!

Jehuty and Anubis cosplay?! :D

No, and you stop thinking about that right now!

...no, there really isn't.

It's not as if Pokemon ever took any skill to play.