
that's probably because you can get almost anything if not eventually on the PC that is also on the PS4 and XBOX, Wii U is another story.

The PlayStation 4 controller has a build in speaker. I was playing The Last of Us and the Clicker noise (bad guy) started coming not from the TV but the controller, it literally made me jump. Coming from the controller made the threat feel so much more immediate and dangerous. In my opinion it made the immersion soo

I'm aware that games like this are starting to come out more now. do we even have a Genre for them yet? like 1 life games or something.

Iron blood is indeed awesome. I have seen every episode so far. I am soo soo glad they went back to a more adult Gundam show.

ouch dude. people are taking your comment way to literally.

I'm not sure you understand what the word nonliteral means.

thank you very much for the reply. I will have to look into this.

wow all the hate is crazy. IT’s hilarious how everyone is completely misunderstanding what you said. lolz

second. I’m lost how everyone seems to think he is promoting murder for a traffic violation.

in what part of his reply did you see that???

what is this from?

magic 6

mmhhh that's the good stuff, time to snort it.

stairs turn weird maybe?

Who's standing behind who???

No midgets or disabled's.

I have about 1 day a week where I can play destiny for hours. i don’t know anyone who plays. can someone give me some advice on how to start doing raids, i have never done one in destiny.

Air cans offer next to nothing in terms of power. If your equipment has anymore than a light and I mean light dust covering, then cans just wont cut it. You might as well just blow it off with your own lungs.

might want to be careful with that if you are a Diabetic.

its rather obvious everyone read 60-68 degrees and just skipped to the next section.....