nah he's busy hanging out somewhere else
nah he's busy hanging out somewhere else
I know, right? Even his other fantasy artwork just screams pre-belt-buckle Final Fantasy.
Square Enix, hire this man.
You're not the only one who's crazy about MGO. Believe.
It's actually an old latin phrase: Fiat justitia ruat caelum.
Aldnoah.Zero— the anime with the coolest tagline ever; "LET JUSTICE BE DONE, THOUGH THE HEAVENS FALL" —is still looking fairly good, despite the development at the end of episode 7 being a little off-putting in its triteness, like they stepped on trope landmine. (As well as being more than a bit overly-contrived.)
When was the last time there was this much mystery involved in a demo or game before? We're all rallying together to uncover the mysteries, sharing theories and play-throughs on game forums, etc. It's super awesome and I'm absolutely in love.
Shouldnt that be a good thing? Instead of "oh its just another generic batman suit design we've seen redone 10 million different times"
Non-related but noteworthy
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The first time I realized my color blindness was affecting how I played games was back in 2004.
Gotze really spread this one wide open.
Im surprised there are still that many people playing it. With all the shits its gone through wouldn't people just of had enough? They weren't suppose to release DLC until it was fixed but they still have the nerve to announce a new game.