
Xbox version has slowdown definitely from the original SNES code. They are basically straight emulations, no cleanup. It was kinda funny how I knew EXACTLY where the slowdown would occur and how to make it worse not having really played X1 in at least a decade.

There are some reports of input lag, which I have noticed

Did you read her FB post? Because she clearly states she was sitting with her child, in bed, reading to her while the kid was playing the game. So she was right there, and the kid is the one who stopped her and handed the tablet over. I mean, yeah, I think its weird that the kid was playing whilst being read to, but

Literally everytime I see that section my immediate thought is “Holy shit, someone taught Superman to actually fight.” and then I want to see him as Superman actually have a proper throwdown with someone that doesn’t involve a bunch of flying wirework, just a straight up super v super fist fight.

To be fair: I only see this happening with celebrity employees. Fred in Accounting being a shitheel on his personal time isn’t likely to get him fired unless he is charged with a crime.

A celebrity, however, is not just an employee. THey are also brand representatives, especially in this case where Hardwick is so

Looks like they redid the armor to actually be bright and colorful as opposed to the duller leather look from the first.

Its Hardwick. She mentions an ectopic pregnancy: which just so happened to have been discusssed on an Episode of the Nerdist podcast (wherein he is, due to the mics being on and in public, in performance mode): https://nerdist.com/nerdist-podcast-honestly-2013/

There may be more to the story, but based on having been a

I am so freaking glad it has Dual Audio. Those dubs were... awful.

My only complaint: Seriously Sega? October? Have you not seen how packed that month is?!

Yep! After Eureka, I stopped watching. Then they came out with Defiance and that got me interested, but I understood the death of that one. Dark Matter, on the other hand, pissed me off, so the only show after was Expanse. Now that they’ve axed it? Fuck SyFy. I’ll pick up any show that I have a modicum of interest

I’m definitely in the minority then, because I really was let down by Infinity War. Its an OK movie. And all the deaths, particularly those at the end, totally without impact to me, at least with anything more than eye rolling annoyance because of course they are not actually dead (just like in the pages of the

You must live around really self involved people. Because I know I was raised to behave in resturants from a young age, and my 3 year old is almost always well behaved in resturants. And when she isn’t, we apologize for her behavior. Most times, people around us legit don’t give a shit. Now, we don’t do fine dining

Dude, there is no problem with just wanting to wait for it to be cheaper, but game prices are where they are at because the release of a game is the point at which they make their money back.

To compare it to movies, as others have said, is a bit wrong. Movies typically come out in two, now three, phases: theatrical,

I really hope not. I feel like Ray and Sara are basically the two that can’t go. They kind of anchor the team. Sara’s the captain, but Ray is the heart.

Its Amaya. She’s literally got no reason to be on the Waverider anymore except for Nate, and the longer she is gone, the more potential time distortions she causes. Best guess: They can seal Mallus back in his prison, but need to preserve the timeline of the Zambezi tribes, meaning Amaya has to go back to the 40s and

Right after I read the note about the cave from Dansky, i heard yelling and roaring. But no bears were around and Boomer never alerted. So, when I got up to the cave, I assumed I heard Dansky fighting with something and dying. From the cave location, couldn’t have been a bear, so I just figured the whole thing was an

Oh I understand his reasoning and all, and like I said, the move probably was good for Supergirl this season. Next year, however, I would hope they either schedule Black Lightning for summer, or bite the bullet and air all their DC shit at the same time, because moving a series yearly (even if they rotate which

Since no one has really addressed the timeslot: I had, and still have, the same issue. I think its dumb as shit to take Supergirl off the air to finish Legends so that Black Lightning could run midseason. They should have made Black Lightning a Summer show, or pushed one of their stupid ass soap operas (dynasty and

To be fair, before Wonder Woman he was the most bankable star in their cast. Now though, I have a feeling (especially with The Batman production not starting until next year) the last time we see Batfleck is in Flashpoint. That’ll be your soft reboot. Keep the cast that wants to stay/people like and recast those that

Dude did both John Wick movies.

Parent of a three year old: When she was young I thought my gaming would disappear, but I favor mostly single player games, and mostly RPGs, all of which can normally be paused or have some sort of built in safe “AFK” net. I actually played more when she was a baby than I expected, especially on nights when she just

It’s not. The monsters show their health, gaining scars and breaking parts. If you’ve researched it enough (in game) you get a general sense based on Icons near the minimap. There’s also optional damage numbers so if you are doing 1 point of damage on every hit, you know something is wrong.