
I don’t see the Overwatch ones as protesting or anything other than having a little fun and trying to bring back a little joy. To me, those signs read as “some douche took shit too far, but we arent going to let that ruin the con, have a laugh on us”. Now if the part covered by 76's arm says “Stupid Prop ban” or

Publishers need to take a note from movies with trailers: you want to announce a game you aren’t sure of the date for? “Coming Soon”. No date needed.

Yeah I don’t think the Source Crystals can be used to buy boxes, just the Credits you earn in game. And even then, Diamond and Platinum can only be earned, not bought.

Took me 24ish through Route A. I did most side quests and quite frequently just messed around enjoying the combat system. Honestly, with all but one sidequest done first time through all Routes, the game took me just under 50 hours.

Yep get that. I liked the OG Prey well enough but to be honest, even the Prey 2 pitch wasn’t really a continuation of that story.

They aren’t though, they are using the IP and trademark. Just because its not the same doesn’t mean its lost.

I don’t disagree with you though, I don’t think this game HAD to be called Prey, and may have been received with less confusion had they just used an original name. I personally am not bothered by it, but I get

I mean, I get where you are coming from, I enjoyed the original game for what it was and all. But Bethesda owns the IP and trademark, so can really do what they want with it. Hell, Arkane could have pitched this as its own thing and Bethesda said “we like it, but call it Prey so we don’t lose that IP...”

It’s only new in name, since Gunfire was formed from Vigil’s ashes. Quite a few of the Darksiders and Darksiders 2 devs work at Gunfire. The few that don’t work for Airship Syndicate, which is also making games with Nordic.

Best thing: it’s from Gunfire Games which is a huge chunk of the Vigil staff from Darksiders and Darksiders 2. So they get to keep working on a franchise they had obvious love for.

She’s a Horsemen. War, Death, Fury, Strife for the Darksiders versions.

The Darksiders Horsemen are War, Death, Fury and Strife.

WSJ is not jealous of PewDiePie, or any YouTuber. Maybe a reporter here or there MIGHT be, but I doubt they really think about it much. I mean, you are talking about people who have a skillset, passion, drive and an income based on it. Frankly, they probably understand youtubers better than the average viewer does.

Finishing Berserk and the Band of the Hawks story, Horizon Zero Dawn, and Nioh

I worked at GameStop before they bought EB Games and before EB bought Rhyno Games. It was actually a fun place to work then. Basically the same as you describe, lots of regulars who would stop by just to say Hi or play a round of Street Fighter during a slow period.

I mean, for games only, sure. But since you get Prime Video and all its content, Prime Music, free shipping on everything, Kindle bonuses, and now Twitch shit, it’s hardly a bad investment. I mean, I’ve been a Prime member since it was ONLY shipping. With all the perks now, it’s one of the best “membership” options

Damn, this sucks. I mean, I’m super interested in seeing what they can do with other IP, but Mankind Divided was all kinds of awesome. Really wish SE hadn’t forced them to chop up the game they wanted to make, because my only real complaint is that the story ends right when it feels like it should really be kicking

I still need this explained, because it makes no goddamn sense. I guess it makes sense when traveling, but if I’m sat at home, the system cannot do those things off my wifi? Because fuck that noise.

I’m going to stop clicking on any stories written by you, Mr. Schreier, about any game upcoming that I am interested in. You keep getting them delayed or cancelled! Stay away from Persona 5!!!

Kamiya, Platinum, Dragons. Pretty much sums it up. Kamiya is responsible for some of the best action games (Devil May Cry, Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta, Okami), combined with other folk from Platinum who made MG: Revengance fucking amazing, with Dragons and co-op. Sold me immediately.

There are also some that release Fridays, but generally speaking, digital only titles on Xbox launch on Wednesdays. Retail releases on retail day (regardless of day of the week). MS is slowly moving away from the rigid scheduling of it, true, but the general rule still stands.