
Its also entirely possible their priority was informing developers with games released in the past few months/next few months, since they are the ones actively working on projects for the system. Fish is not, so informing Polytron about the change in policy was relatively low priority.

Seems like they now have some more questions to answer: if games require the disc in the tray, what happens to that kind of cool idea of insta-switching between them? And does this kill the family share thing, since games now require disc validation? I'm not complaining, mind you, I just liked the idea of those two

Totally. I don't mind it that it happened, I just wish someone else had taken an interest over Nintendo so it could have come to every platform. It is what it is, least it exists still.

True, but Tecmo Koei is a publisher on its own. Platinum isn't, and Sega isn't involved. So maybe the contract will expire, and I hope it will, but I expect I will need to buy a WiiU to play Bayonetta 2. I don't mind that so much, but its frustrating to know I supported Bayonetta at release but now have to buy a new

Nintendo is funding and publishing, so it won't sadly.

I think everyone has missed the point of Luke´s article: he isn't saying this is a great reason, just that putting the proper information forward at the right time can make things more understandable. If this had been said first, followed by "to help ensure this kind of experience is available to all our players and

Standing together is fine, but as a gaming news site, they can express their distaste in ways that are not outright insulting to people who may not have as much issue with the system.

One can report facts in a negative light, but this has ceased to be about facts and more about bashing. There is a twitter wall of people who are looking forward to the Xbox One, yay, people with different opinions than the author/internet at large. But the tone of the article is disbelief and sarcasm at, essentially,

Ars is a great site, though I have to admit I haven't looked through it since Ben Kuchera went to Penny Arcade. Thanks.

Yep. And I would be saying the same exact thing if it was all PS4 bashing. I don't care about opinions in either direction, I want the news I cannot get myself because I'm not at E3, while they are.

Wow. You have rage issues or something, because that was severely uncalled for. I made my decision based on pros and cons of both systems, and for me, the pros of the Xbox One's GAMING offerings outweigh things that I don't see as huge cons.

I've been here for at least five years, and I never saw a huge bias. They may have favored 360 news, but almost all of it was reported basically without too much in the way of positive or negative bias, just reported. I don't expect a complete lack of bias, but beating the dead horse of Xbox One hate serves zero

Seriously. I like Kotaku, but I'm getting fucking sick of the console bashing. We get it already, you and every other fucking person on the internet wants to have Sony's babies. Stop with the commentary and just give us the news. Not too long ago, I remember Tolito and others talking about being more upfront with the

I would be called a defender, though I do not consider myself as such. I plan to buy the X1, in fact have already preordered it. I am concerned about the always online requirement, not for myself, but for others. I am concerned about used game blocks, but so far two major publishers have said they haven't decided to

Previously released games makes sense, particularly with the portables. It makes less sense going forward because of development price. I could be wrong, but Disney probably didn't care before, but does now that the 360 has such a huge install base so they don't want to miss out on any potential sales.

Well no, that's not any kind of certainty. Versus was exclusive, but Versus is no more. Just because they combined it into XV, doesn't mean it is subject to the same deals. Most likely, XV, like XIII, is a multiplatform title that debuted at the Sony conference, kind of like MGSV or Witcher 3 at the MS conference.

Honestly, I am surprised and pleasantly so. I really thought publishers would push Sony into the same basic ideas. I am glad they did not, and it will be interesting to see the pressure this puts on MS to change.

Nope, just a chat set. Like the one that comes with the 360.

Then you buy a Gaming Headset, not a Chat Headset. This is the Chat, just for chatting not full game audio.

Seriously, I do not understand the need for chat to be in both ears. I have a nice sound system, I want to hear the game I am playing, not just the people I am chatting with...